In a nation with such a rich and prosperous history as America, one would assume that all influential forces within it would have a shared vision of preservation. Preserved in a manner that allows for advancements while maintaining fundamental parts of our society that make us who we are.
A similar example yet on a much smaller scale is a business with various stakeholders. In order to be a stakeholder, it is presumed that you want what is best for the company. After all, why would you want a stakeholder in place that doesn’t have the success of the company at heart?
America is now a place where there are three types of stakeholder groups.
The first group wants America to succeed based on the principles that America was founded upon. Principles such as individual liberty, limited government, free-market economics, and human flourishing to name a few. All the principles originate from the Bible. America was founded by Christians. This group may have different ways to reach this objective, but an overall belief is shared. The belief that America has been a force for good in human history and must be preserved so that good can continue to flow outwardly. This group also has a clear understanding that our nation isn’t without fault. Whether it is slavery, abortion, divorce, or sexual deviancy, our nation has turned its back on God and rejected His ways in these areas. In this case, we must repent as a nation and correct our wrongdoing. I would confidently say that the majority of these stakeholders are professing Christians.
Another group is just along for the ride. The ride is the story of America, wherever it may take them. These folks have a basic understanding of American history but they are far from patriots. If you were to search the voter rolls they might be registered or they might not be. If you were to look at church attendance amongst this crowd they likely show up for Easter and Christmas but at no other time do they see the need to sit under the teaching of God’s Word. These stakeholders would describe themselves as “good” people but when questioned on what “good” is they would throw out general terms but fail to credit a divine source.
The last group despises everything about this country. From the free-market and prosperous economy to constitutional rights for individuals – they view it all as deeply flawed. This group of stakeholders wants to remake America into a liberal utopia of vegan burgers, abortion on demand, and government worshipping peasants. Climate change, reproductive rights, and equality are keywords used to justify everything they do. Corporations are bullied into financially subsidizing and rhetorically lauding this crowd. From pride month to reimbursing employees that travel across state lines to have their unborn baby killed – corporate America is all-in for this dream utopia that will never live up to its own expectations.
America has a proven formula that needs to be restored and built upon. We need to bring back limited government, state’s rights, and a fear of God. We need to abolish abortion just as we abolished slavery. Biblical marriage must be restored at every level of society. We need to be able to recognize success and preserve it while simultaneously recognizing our faults and altering course to avoid such failure in the future. This type of transformation won’t take place without a move of God in our land. No righteous and godly transformative movement has happened in this country without His intervention and aid.
Will all American stakeholders turn their eyes to the God of the Bible and seek His ways? The latter two groups – the fence riders and despisers – must recognize that the direction we’re headed is national doom and the only way to avoid it is through belief and submission to God. The body of Christ – you and me – must lead the way. It starts today.