Hallmark Channel announced its plans to start introducing gay and transgender storylines into its movies after receiving online complaints about the lack of obvious LGBTQ content in its lineup of holiday movies.
In less than one year, the network decided not only to air LGBTQ commercials, which 1MM petitioned and began to boycott in December 2019, but also to produce and air movies pushing the gay agenda by featuring lead gay characters in homosexual relationships.
“Diversity and inclusion is a top priority for us, and we look forward to making some exciting programming announcements in the coming months, including announcements about projects featuring LGBTQ storylines, characters, and actors,” said George Zaralidis, vice president of network program publicity at Hallmark’s parent company, Crown Media Family Networks. “We are committed to creating a Hallmark experience where everyone feels welcome."
The once conservative network has recently caved to LGBTQ pressure and has done a one-eighty from the wholesome content the channel once aired, and the network is now catering to the Left.
So many people feel betrayed by Hallmark over these past seven months. Hallmark Channel was one of the remaining channels that families could watch without being bombarded by politically correct commercials and the LGBTQ agenda.
Family entertainment is not the outlet in which to be politically correct by forcing acceptance of homosexuality – a sinful lifestyle that Scripture clearly deems wrong in Romans 1:18-28.
1MM has been called a hate group when speaking the truth, but the biblical truth is anything but hateful.
One Million Moms is boycotting all things Hallmark. This includes Hallmark Channel, Hallmark wrapping paper, greeting cards, Christmas ornaments, etc.
Please sign our petition stating you will boycott Hallmark by not watching Hallmark Channel and by not purchasing any Hallmark products as long as Hallmark pushes the LGBTQ agenda.