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Murder Is not Healthcare

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 @ 02:39 PM Murder Is not Healthcare Walker Wildmon Vice President MORE

When I was in high school, I sat next to a young lady in class who quietly mentioned to her friend that she’d had an abortion. At the time I didn’t completely grasp the heartache that she must have been experiencing though I could see the pain in her eyes. The only other detail I remember is that she said it was physically painful. It was a haunting conversation.

In March of 2017, it was reported that Planned Parenthood executives were making as much money as some professional athletes. To be specific, Planned Parenthood’s CEO, Cecile Richards, receives over $950,000 a year in compensation. For those who don’t know, Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood was subsidized by over $543,000,000 in taxpayer dollars last year, according to their own 2016-2017 annual report. The report also revealed that Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions with only 3,889 adoption referrals. This is a shocking number. Planned Parenthood is portrayed by the media and liberals as vital to women’s healthcare.  What this reveals is that Planned Parenthood is not only committing cruel and evil acts, its bosses are well compensated for providing them.

One claim you’ll hear regarding abortion is that it is only a small percentage of what Planned Parenthood provides. From a biblical perspective, this is a non-starter. Killing as many as one child is one too many. More than 321,000 abortions cannot be defined as a “small percent” of Planned Parenthood’s work. Nonetheless, in the early months of his presidency, President Trump offered to allow Planned Parenthood to keep its federal funds if they would cease performing abortions. Their executives denied this offer claiming abortion was vital in order for their organization to continue. You’d think if abortion was such as small part of what Planned Parenthood does then its leaders wouldn’t mind ceasing the practice in order to keep the federal funds coming in. But Planned Parenthood is absolutely committed to killing babies and misdirecting that reality by referring to it as women’s healthcare.

Under virtually no scenario is abortion the provision of healthcare. We must not grant validity to such a falsehood. Ending the life of a child is anything but healthcare as women often suffer emotional and physical harm from having an abortion.

A recent poll showed that 58% of likely voters oppose government subsidizing of Planned Parenthood. Even with the majority of Americans feeling this way, Congress has repeatedly failed to end the taxpayer funds to those who carry out the barbaric act that is abortion. Although I’m angry that Congress is complicit in this, I believe that abortion is likely to be ruled on at the Supreme Court in our lifetime. If the court were to hear a pro-life case, it is likely that it would overturn Roe v. Wade. Especially if President Trump adds another judge to the Supreme Court.

Over 1,000 babies’ lives are ended each day in Planned Parenthood facilities across America. This is terribly wrong.  At a minimum, we should stop sending our tax dollars to such an organization.

America will be judged by God for the way we treat the most vulnerable among us. Whether it be the elderly or infants. My prayer is that this generation will be remembered as the one that not only ended the taxpayer funds to abortion providers but ended the horrific practice altogether.

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