The special counsel and investigation into alleged collusion between then-candidate Trump and Russia has gotten out of control. Such an investigation should have never taken place to begin with. There’s ambiguity as to what exactly is being investigated. Some say that the Russians meddled in the 2016 election and others say that candidate Donald Trump colluded with the Russians during this same time period. To date, there isn’t one iota of evidence to suggest either of the claims above. Not to mention collusion isn’t even a crime.
Not long after taking office, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation. Why he did this is still something that I can’t wrap my mind around.
Recently, Fox News’ Greg Jarrett was on Lou Dobbs Tonight on Fox Business channel and here is the exchange between the two:
GREGG JARRETT: [Andrew] Weissmann should resign immediately, or be fired immediately. Robert Mueller's entire team should be replaced. Mueller himself should be canned. [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein should be taken away from anything approaching this special counsel investigation, which means Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, should can them all, fire them all.
LOU DOBBS (HOST): Jeff Sessions has been paralyzed.
JARRETT: He recused himself from the Trump-Russia probe.
DOBBS: Nonsense. [Said cynically as if to say ‘and it was nonsense for him to do so]
JARRETT: He can un-recuse himself for the sole purpose of getting rid of all of these partisans, including Robert Mueller. And I'm not saying kill the investigation, I am just saying replace these people with fair, impartial, objective people.
DOBBS: This is not something I would want to argue too vociferously over, but I do think it's time to kill the investigation. Because first of all, the person who should be investigated is Barack Obama. These interferences, if they are that, occurred under his administration.
I agree with both Jarrett and Dobbs. Attorney General Jeff Sessions should un-recuse himself immediately. Let me explain why.
There is no evidence that a crime has occurred involving President Trump and his campaign. This fact alone is enough to prove that such an investigation should not exist.
If Russia did meddle in the election, the last person responsible for this would be Donald Trump. For the sake of discussion, let’s assume Russia “meddled” in our 2016 presidential election. If this were true, then guess who would be responsible for allowing it to happen? President Barack Hussein Obama and his administration. This allegedly occurred under the supervision of Obama’s FBI and intelligence community. They should be held responsible for allowing Russia to meddle in our election.
Robert Mueller, who is heading the special counsel, is a close confidant to a key witness in this case, former FBI director James Comey. For this reason, Mueller is unable to handle this case objectively. Well respected columnist, Byron York, has alluded to this same fact.
Along the same lines, a minimum of three special counsel investigators have displayed a conflict of interest in this case. In the past year or so, Peter Strzok sent anti-Trump text messages to a fellow employee with which he was having an affair. Andrew Weissmann praised a former DOJ official for defying one of President Trump’s executive orders. Bruce G. Ohr met during the 2016 campaign with the firm who did opposition research on president Trump which is behind this entire investigation. These three men either did serve or still serve on the special counsel.
You might ask, who appointed the special counsel? That would be Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. What’s his background? From 2005 to 2017 Mr. Rosenstein has served as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland. Why is that significant? During this time, in 2009 and 2010, he oversaw the Uranium One investigation which involved Russian officials using bribery and kickbacks to win over a deal which gave Russia over 20 percent of America’s uranium. Uranium is a key ingredient for building a nuclear weapon. Who else was involved in this? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She lobbied heavily for this deal while receiving millions for her foundation from Russians during this time frame. All of this has been reported by The Hill.
Out of all of this, Mr. Rosenstein only charged one person with a single charge of money laundering. My theory is that Mr. Rosenstein and FBI brass participated in a political cover-up to aid Clinton and her crooks. Robert Mueller was over the FBI during this investigation and eventual cover-up. Shameful.
The last person I’ll mention is Assistant FBI Director, Andrew McCabe. According to The Hill, “McCabe is under congressional and Justice Department inspector general investigation in connection with money his wife’s Virginia state Senate campaign accepted in 2015 from now-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe at a time when McAuliffe was reportedly under investigation by the FBI. The probe is not focused on McAuliffe's conduct but rather on whether McCabe's attendance violated the Hatch Act or other FBI conflict rules.” Think you’re reading a John Grisham novel? Think twice. This stuff actually happened.
For all of these reasons, Attorney General Jeff Sessions should immediately un-recuse himself from the Russia investigation. He can do this by sending a letter to the President, Deputy Attorney General, FBI Director, and Special Counsel notifying each that he is reestablishing his authority over the Department of Justice and all investigations under his department. In this same letter, AG Sessions should also express his intent to terminate the entire Special Counsel immediately. For those on the counsel who also work for the DOJ, they should be terminated from the DOJ. The AG should also instruct the FBI Director to immediately terminate his deputy director Andrew McCabe.
In order to prevent these crooks from hiring their own types again, all new hires and appointments should be approved by the President and Attorney General. It might be a good idea to also fire the close associates of these cronies. I’m talking about a clean slate at the FBI.
This is the only way to ensure that our Department of Justice is actually focused on carrying out justice and protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans. Until AG Sessions heeds this advice, the foul stench will continue to permeate our top law enforcement agency.