One Million Moms typically focuses on issues that air on television, but there is one other issue we cannot ignore: inappropriate ads and giant posters in storefront windows. Next time you are out shopping, you will get much more than you bargained for and not in a good way. Rue21 is currently posting in BIG letters on the front of their stores: BAD A$$ Sale! This is not something you would want to see as you walk by the storefront with your family. Being bombarded with posters featuring foul language while you are shopping is not okay.
Parents need to be warned that malls, where teens hang out and families go for innocent outings, have retailers who display posters with curse words in huge font in storefront windows. Rue21 is being unprofessional and irresponsible. Everyone knows that children repeat what they hear and see.
Rue21’s website has this same ad displayed prominently on their site.
Please use the information we have provided to contact Rue21 urging them to remove the “BAD A$$ Sale” slogan from their store locations and their website immediately.
Click on link to Take Action: http://onemillionmoms.com/current-campaigns/rue21-new-marketing-campaign-is-appalling/
Monica Cole
Director, OneMillionMoms.com