![America Cannot Wait](/media/1916/acw_memes_800x500_11.jpg?width=800&height=500&v=1d897c1a580e5c0)
On September 17, 1787 the United States Constitution was signed. Designed by our forefathers, the Constitution became the most significant document in American history. The First Amendment to the Constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...” Today, the First Amendment is being distorted and twisted beyond recognition by liberals and progressives. Our country relies upon the Bill of Rights to protect liberty and ensure freedom for generations to come. Disturbingly, our nation’s leaders aren’t listening to Christians across America. Now, more than ever, the voice of Christian America is needed in our nation’s Capitol. American Family Radio is going to take your voice, the voice of Christian America, to Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia. America Cannot Wait!
1. The America we know and love may not exist for our children and grandchildren.
Our Founding Fathers fashioned a republic to reflect "the laws of nature and nature's God." From their wisdom – based on faith in God – America emerged as the greatest nation in human history.
But now in 2015, the heart of America has become hardened to the things of God.
This nation, founded upon a respect for Judeo-Christian views of man, nature, and government, soon must regain that respect lest freedom give way to oppression, and democratic ideals are trampled underfoot by tyrants. This has been the pattern of history.
2. The voice of Christian America – your voice – is being ignored, minimized, and mocked.
Many of the influence makers in our society believe America would be better off without the influence of Judeo-Christian thought. They envision a culture in which man is the measure of all things. Ideas that challenge their godless worldview are rapidly being silenced.
3. America is coming to a cultural and political point of no return.
If the secularist vision of America carries the 2016 elections, the nation may soon no longer embody the freedom and liberty that is our blood-bought inheritance.
Resist with Truth
God has provided an opportunity to build an AFR Talk radio station that will bypass the dominant secular media and speak God's truth every day into the minds and hearts of those who raise their families in the highly populated communities west of Washington, D.C. who travel into the city where they earn their living.
It is first a clear message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then it asks how that gospel should impact every area of life: our families, laws, policies, communities, entertainment choices, careers, and more.
That new AFR Talk signal needs to go on the air by the end of 2015 in order to establish a solid broadcast presence by the time our nation's attention turns to the critical election campaigns of 2016.
AFA has already spent over $1 million toward purchasing the resources necessary to broadcast American Family Radio into this strategic corridor. When the project is complete and the signal is on the air, startup costs will exceed $2 million.
Your gift toward offsetting those costs means that your voice – the voice of Christian America – will be heard at the gates of the center of power in America. It is a gift that honors and defends the name of God, and tells your children and grandchildren that your hope for their future lies in the gospel of Christ being lived out through active Christian citizenship.
To meet our $1 million goal during this short deadline, we are asking for your one-time, above-and-beyond financial contribution by the end of July.
America cannot wait.