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Schoolhouse Rocked

Friday, November 12, 2021 @ 08:29 AM Schoolhouse Rocked Hannah Meador Associate Digital Media Editor MORE

In today’s world, there’s one specific thing I’ve noticed on the rise. And no, it isn’t gas prices I’m talking about. Rather, homeschooling.

Here at AFA, we read stories every day of ways the culture is indoctrinating America’s children through the education system. From the LGBTQ agenda to CRT, it is clear that the public school system is up to no good.

Globally, more than 168 million children were sent home from school due to COVID-19. During that season, parents quickly became teachers. But afterward, many parents never returned to the workforce and remained at home to teach their children. According to the Census Bureau, between May and August, the number of homeschool families doubled. And as someone who was once homeschooled, I consider that to be a blessing from God.

However, before COVID made its uninvited appearance, one homeschooling family had already decided to step out in faith and learn more about the homeschool revolution happening across the country – and they did so in a 29-foot-long RV trailer.

After feeling the call of the Lord, in December of 2016, Garritt and Yvette Hampton, along with their two daughters, Lacey and Brooklyn, sold their California home and all of their belongings to spend time on the road documenting homeschooling. So, Garritt, who had worked on some big-name Hollywood films, with the help of his entire family, worked to produce and film the new documentary Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution.

The documentary follows the Hampton’s two-and-a-half-year journey across the nation as they interviewed homeschool families, curriculum curators, education experts, and more. They also had a chance to chat with noteworthy individuals such as Ken Ham and Sam Sorbo. During their travels, the Hamptons asked questions many homeschools or potential homeschool parents are asking themselves. Their goal was to encourage parents and help them realize that their children are their responsibility and a gift from God.

The Hampton’s were familiar with a lot of the questions they asked interviewees because they had asked the same ones before they homeschooled. Before having children, Garritt and Yvette, like most of today’s homeschool parents, never realized that they would enter into the world of educating their children.

But God had different plans.

After attending a homeschool convention as a couple, the two decided that raising their children with a biblical worldview was the most important thing they could do as a family. Before attending, they believed, like many, that education and spiritual teaching were in two different categories. But they quickly realized that even math, science, and English, can and should be taught through a biblical lens to train children in a biblical worldview. It was thanks to that conference, Garritt realized, “training our children’s hearts was our responsibility. God had given us these children and called us as their parents to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.” 

Just like that, the Hampton’s realized their call and decided to homeschool their daughters with a biblical worldview. Likewise, many Christian parents have had the same realization and have chosen to pull their children out of public education. But some parents may still be on the fence.

That’s understandable because the culture is not very accepting of homeschoolers. They are a thousand homeschool stereotypes, and even some family members may be opposed to homeschooling. But Schoolhouse Rocked helps debunk stereotypes and explains how important and fun it can be. The Hampton’s cover a wide range of questions from socialization to the role of a parent, biblical discipleship, and so much more. 

One of my favorite aspects of the film is Yvette Hampton. As a homeschool mom, she not only showcases the amazing aspects of homeschooling but also relates to other moms in the same situation.

The world teaches that moms and parents should not teach their children because it is not their job, that’s the purview of the school system. Lies such as this are known to make moms feel inadequate. According to Yvette, that is a very valid feeling that even she felt before taking the plunge. But what she hopes moms will understand and see in Schoolhouse Rocked is that it is not through their power they are raising their child but through that of the Holy Spirit. 

In an interview this week, Yvette said: 

“What we have learned, what I have learned, and am still learning is that I am inadequate. I am incapable of doing these things, but the Holy Spirit guides us and helps us to get through these times. In the end, I'm never going to be able to look back and say, look at what an amazing job I did with my kids. I'm only going to be able to say, look at what the Lord did through my obedience and saying yes, to His call to keep my kids home and to disciple their hearts.”

The Hamptons started this project in 2016 and had no way of knowing how homeschooling would explode due to COVID, but God did. It was His perfect timing that allowed them to wrap up production during a season where families were questioning the education system.

Tonight, November 12, 2021, is opening night for Schoolhouse Rocked. But it won’t be playing in your local theater. Rather, it will be available for an online theatrical release so the whole family can enjoy it. To purchase a ticket, go to, and select a showtime that the whole family can enjoy. Only one ticket is required per household! (That’s another good thing that came from Covid. Cheap movie releases for the whole family to enjoy.)

Online, the Hampton’s have also provided many resources to help families and potential families in their homeschool journey. One new resource, the Homeschool Survival Kit, is filled with step-by-step instructions on how to start homeschooling, information concerning state laws, encouragement from other parents, and much more. 

What else can I say? The Hampton family is a joy to meet. And this family-friendly film will even open the eyes of young homeschoolers to understand how blessed they are to be Homeschooled. Check it out! 

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