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Stop Disney from Deceiving Kids

Wednesday, March 05, 2025 @ 08:35 AM Stop Disney from Deceiving Kids Tim Wildmon President MORE

AFA was born 47 years ago when my father, Rev. Don Wildmon, realized the magnitude of the harm being done to children and families by corrupt, indecent, anti-God entertainment media.


Today, however, evil pours into the minds and hearts of young people with technology my father could not have imagined.


Despite our many victories over the years, all other achievements will be worth little if our precious next generation of Americans is morally destroyed by ungodly entertainment.


That’s why I want to share with you some disturbing information that Monica Cole, the director of AFA’s One Million Moms division, recently revealed.


Monica is a nationally noted expert in the effect of media on young people.


As she explained, young people are under an onslaught the likes of which we haven’t seen before. And the core of the war on the souls of children is none other than Disney—once the most trusted name in children’s entertainment.


Thankfully, there is something powerful you can do.


In case you haven’t heard, the formerly “family-friendly” Disney revealed its moral bankruptcy a few years ago when it greenlit its FXX affiliate network to produce a cartoon called Little Demon starring Satan.


Yes, Satan!


But it gets worse.


Another hero is the Anti-Christ—portrayed as Satan’s teenage daughter from having sex with a single mom in New Jersey.


Blasphemously, the girl’s name is “Chrissy” . . . a sick insult to Jesus Christ.


The profane, violent cartoon features demons who want to have sex with corpses and eat the brains of babies.


Yet, because it is animated and stars a teenage protagonist, the danger is that children will watch this (with clips shared widely on social media)—unless parents are warned.


So in response, One Million Moms, launched a nationwide campaign to inform and alert parents, both Christian and even non-Christian.


As you will see below, none of this stopped Disney!


For that reason, I ask you to use this secure link right now to donate and help AFA and One Million Moms reach millions of parents and other Americans with our warning.


You can help them protect their children.


I regret to tell you that our warnings about Disney go beyond Little Demon. Disney also is harming American families through a show called Pauline, which has a similar plotline.


An 18-year-old girl has a one-night stand with the son of Satan and becomes pregnant with the Anti-Christ. Yes, more sexual Satanism, just like Little Demon.


Angels are portrayed as evil, and demons as protectors of life.


Four-letter words and other corrupting content appear in every episode.


Ask yourself, “Who would plant such soul-warping,

demon-glorifying evil into multiple plotlines of

popular cartoons appealing to America’s young people?”


I trust you and I both know that answer. Truly, AFA and One Million Moms are fighting a spiritual war for the minds, hearts, and souls of children.


It’s a spiritual war for the very future of this nation that we love.


And it’s a spiritual war that must be fought with prayer and action!


As God’s Word instructs us, “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Ephesians 5:11).


And Disney is our top target.


Disney—still trusted by millions of uninformed parents—produced the series called A Teacher framing the predatory seduction of a minor as a romance.


Disney, through the HULU streaming platform, produced and marketed the program PEN15, featuring sexual content that included a teen character stimulating herself to climax on camera.


And most recently, Disney released

the streaming series Agatha All Along,

starring “queer witches.”


Why is Disney doing this? Why do they keep pushing—keep indoctrinating kids?


The answer is that the spiritual war I mentioned is also a worldview war. It’s a war of the Bible’s truth versus the world’s and the devil’s deception. My father, Don Wildmon, once said,


“What we’re engaged in is a great struggle to determine whether Western civilization, which has grown up under the Christian view of man, will continue to be undergirded on the Christian view . . . or whether or not it will be replaced by a humanist view.”


Make no mistake. The Bible is the target. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the target. Eternal destinies and a whole civilization are the targets.


We are in a vast worldview war with American society and souls on the line.


That is why, for almost 20 years, One Million Moms has fought, and won, battle after battle to protect children—and why we are now targeting Disney.


One Million Moms has succeeded in getting programs canceled or not renewed (often in conjunction with other watchdog groups); pressuring sponsorships, advertisement campaigns, or billboard campaigns to be revoked or cleaned up; and warning hundreds of thousands of known parents—and countless more that only God knows.


Every child we save is a victory, don’t you agree?


So, help us ramp up the campaign against Disney by clicking on this secure link to give your best gift to help us save as many children as possible! Thank you for taking just a moment to change lives and America.


For our God, our nation, and our children.

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