As Francis Scott Key watched British troops bombard Fort McHenry in September 1814, he penned the words to what would become the ballad of America and, in 1931, the official national anthem. Within the final stanza of Key’s “Defence of Fort M’Henry” rests the phrase that constitutes the backbone of American governance: “And this be our motto – ‘In God is our trust!’”
The phrase “In God We Trust,” which received great prominence in the Union during the Civil War, gradually waned throughout the country, although it occasionally resurfaced on the face of various coins. In 1956, however, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill establishing the phrase as the country’s motto and instituting its use on all American currency, where it remains today.
Now, with the 2024 passage of Mississippi Senate Bill 2801, residents across the Magnolia State can boldly proclaim their faith to their communities with the brand-new “In God We Trust” distinctive license plate. Designed by AFA, the license tag unashamedly proclaims its owners’ pro-God and pro-family values.
Following the typical protocol
Mississippi’s SB 2801, authored in 2024 by Sen. Jeff Tate (R), included 22 distinctive tag proposals. Gov. Tate Reeves (R) approved the bill in May 2024. However, the implementation of the “In God We Trust” tag and distribution of the tag’s revenue to AFA came about through the efforts of 19th District Rep. Randy Boyd (R). When Boyd found out the bill was being presented, he added the “In God We Trust” tag to it.
But before the license plate can become viable, the design had to be approved by the Mississippi Department of Revenue, and AFA must generate preorder sales of 300 tags. Once those requirements are met, the tag will become available for public purchase in every Mississippi county. Each tag costs a specialty fee of $30, and $24 of that fee goes to AFA. (Any county or local fees are the responsibility of the owner.)
While distinctive tag bills are routine for state legislatures, Boyd noted that this tag proposal stirred up particular support from the other representatives.
“Think about how long [that’s] been our motto,” he said, pointing to the historical nature of the “In God We Trust” tag.
The bill passed unanimously, excluding absences, in both the House and Senate.
He noted that citizens need to be “more pointed toward the Lord” like they were when “In God We Trust” became the national motto.
Making a unified effort
Across the nation, many nonprofits, associations, and school districts use distinctive tags to raise awareness for their causes and generate extra income. According to Mississippi’s Department of Revenue Annual Report, distinctive tags earned $7.2 million in 2022 alone.
While other states offer distinctive license plates, they may not have one declaring similar pro-God or pro-family values. However, residents nationwide can contact their state legislators to propose tags with such a message.
Boyd said citizens of other states could designate AFA or another organization as the recipient of the generated funds. As in Mississippi’s case, other states may require a particular number of pre-purchased tags to make a design available for public purchase.
“It won’t be long before the “In God We Trust” tag is available for public purchase in Mississippi,” said AFA Vice President Walker Wildmon. “AFA is grateful to Rep. Boyd for his work in making this God-honoring tag a reality.”
(Digital editor's note: This article was published first in the March 2025 print issue of The Stand. Click HERE for a free six-month subscription.)