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Strength for Today, Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Monday, January 27, 2025 @ 11:47 AM Strength for Today, Bright Hope for Tomorrow Whitney White Children's Book Author MORE

For those of us who grew up in the 90s, there is a particular classic that we all watched, rewound, and watched again on a regular basis. We knew all the lines and certainly the entire soundtrack. It’s a tale of good vs evil. A tale that accurately depicts the lengths the wicked will go to in order to attain power and control, such as deception, division, deprivation, destruction, and death even among their own people – their own family.

At one point in the movie, the antagonist influences his followers (whom he actually despises, but uses for their ignorance) to join with him in killing the king so he can take his place as ruler of the kingdom. Although they secretly fear and respect the residing king, they blindly follow the ruthless trickster as he promises rewards, prizes, an abundance of food, and even a “shining new era.”                                                    

As he convinces and manipulates them to assist him in this devious plan, he sings,

“The point I must emphasize is,

You won’t get a sniff without me.

So prepare for the coup of the century,

Be prepared for the murkiest scam,

Meticulous planning,

Tenacity spanning,

Decades of denial,

Is simply why I’ll

Be king undisputed,

Respected, saluted

And seen for the wonder I am…Be prepared!”

Hungry for power, these sycophants eagerly join in his seemingly successful plan. For a time, wickedness reigns supreme, violence and attacks on the innocent become the norm, and all for the sake of selfish gain their beloved kingdom becomes a wasteland.

But much to their surprise, the vindictive plans are thwarted when their fearless leader turns on them as the rightful king arrives. The movie reaches its climax as the protagonist and antagonist go head to head to fight like never before. Before the antagonist is defeated, he unapologetically admits that he is responsible for destroying lives and leaving the kingdom in desolation.

Finally exonerated from the crime he was framed for, the favored leader faces an old, wise, royal advisor who looks him in the eye and says, “It is time.”

Through the raging storm, Simba ascends to his rightful place to rule with compassion and justice and to restore balance in the kingdom. Soon the storm subsides, the raging fires are extinguished, darkness turns to light, peace is restored, and rejoicing resounds throughout the entire kingdom!


I think it’s safe to say, that every child who watched The Lion King dreaded Mufasa’s death, grieved with Simba, and rejoiced as he victoriously stood on Pride Rock in defense of his kingdom and for what was right. Never did we think this staple in our home would have striking parallels to our own beloved country 20 years down the road. As my family watched this movie after the inauguration of Donald Trump, my children even recognized the similarities between our present culture and the dark four years we have experienced. This past week was literally the first spark of patriotism my children have witnessed in their lifetimes.

Growing up prior to September 11, I never wondered whether America was united. We were taught to be united. Though America has never been perfect, we are proud of our country and are willing to fight for it. After September 11, all of these feelings were intensified in a way words could never express. We sang “God Bless the USA” out of our car windows as loudly as we could, loved our fellow man, supported our military, and trusted our leaders. Flags flew everywhere. We were truly proud to be Americans!

So, what happened?

How did we get to a point where people disrespectfully kneel during the national anthem, no one feels safe, we are pitted against each other, and our children are ashamed to take a stand for our country?

Ungodly leadership. That's what happened.

They tried to snuff out the God of this great nation. Truth has been silenced. The history books have been altered. Lawlessness has been unleashed and encouraged in our streets. The two sexes God created have been blurred to a point that doesn’t even begin to make sense. Laws have been broken for the sake of agendas. The innocent have been imprisoned while the guilty have been set free. The government has been weaponized against citizens, while non-citizens are protected and treated to the pleasantries of America. Why? was always the goal. Divide and conquer. Division leads to dictatorship.

But just as the Sanhedrin tried to silence Stephen to stifle the truth, his death led to the persecution of the early church. That persecution was what scattered God’s people and united them in a powerful way. 

But Saul began ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison. Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the Word” (Acts 8:3-4).

It is important to take note, that they did not scatter and hide. Under the intense pressure, they were emboldened to preach the gospel – the very gospel Steven died for. That gospel changed the world.

I believe the intense pressure that Christians have faced the last four years (in our nation that was built on the very principles of God), has emboldened us as well! Prayer became vital, preachers became unabashed, Christians and respecters of God banded together, and King Jesus “heard our cries.”

Inauguration Day literally felt like the scene in The Lion King when Simba roared from Pride Rock. At that moment, the music alludes to victory and vibrant colors along with new growth spread across the dismal land.

To hear our Savior’s name praised time and time again gave us a surge of hope last Monday, but I must say, my favorite part of Inauguration Day, was the five minutes before the transfer of power. In a room filled with powerful leaders, dignitaries, and politicians the piano set the tone of worship as it played "Great is Thy Faithfulness" – a song that reminds us of God’s unchanging mercies, compassion, provision, and love. But what stood out the most and brought me to my knees in adoration of a God who has been despised and rejected yet did not forsake His people, was the line “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.”

What could better sum up what we have longed for and had to remind ourselves of for four dark years? I don’t know if those in attendance knew the words to this great hymn or how profound its message was to the world, but it was as if the Lord was saying to the crowded room standing in silence and all who were watching,  “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

In the words of Rafiki from The Lion King, “It is time!”

It’s time to unite and spread the gospel like never before!

It’s time to teach our children to be proud of their nation, fellow countrymen, and their spiritual heritage.

It’s time to stand for what is right and not worry about being silenced.

It’s time to be one nation under God!

It’s time to let freedom ring – and may we never forget how close we came to losing it!

Great is Thy Faithfulness!

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