A May 2024 Pew Research Center (PRC) survey found that a majority (63%) of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. However, similar surveys from PRC and even left-leaning pollsters indicate that a majority of evangelical Christians – 60% or more, depending on the poll – hold biblical convictions regarding the sanctity of human life.
But in this clash of worldviews, the pro-abortion side seems to have a louder voice, more funding, and greater influence.
So, if a majority of faithful, Bible-believing Christians hold a correct view on the sanctity of human life, why are they not equally as involved and proactive at promoting the pro-life side of the debate?
Pastor Joseph Parker, AFA’s director of outreach and intercession and longtime pro-life activist, spoke with The Stand to provide insight into that question. He also shared practical steps that the church can and should take as the battle for the unborn continues.
“To be brutally honest, we’re dealing with many pastors and churches that are pretty clueless about what’s going on,” Parker said.
For example, Parker explained that while many Christians were justifiably joyful with the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, these same Christians know little to nothing about what the pro-choice advocates have done to advance their agenda since that decision.
“After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the other side was passionately furious and went into overdrive to come against it and do an end run around it,” Parker said. “And since that time, numerous states have introduced initiatives to put pro-abortion laws back in place, and unfortunately, most of them have passed.”
Believers need to be reminded that the reversal of Roe was a major victory in the battle, but the war is far from over.
“Sadly, most are clueless about these issues until one of their family members is affected,” Parker said. “So, there is a great need for the church to become better educated.”
Parker noted that the abortion behemoth Planned Parenthood is the primary organization behind the push in various states to implement policies that allow for the murder of unborn children.
“Planned Parenthood has a very effective deception machine that it brings to a state when it wants to advance policies and legislation,” Parker said. “Planned Parenthood deceives by exaggeration and confusion, and sadly, it has accomplished every initiative it has put forth since the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
“The organization’s bread and butter is killing babies, and it makes a lot of money doing it. So, it shouldn’t come as a shock to us that those who have no problem murdering human beings would lie and deceive to get what they want,” Parker added.
Parker believes another issue plaguing the church is leaders and members who, though they may believe correctly, are simply fearful to speak up.
“There’s a lot of cowardice in the pulpit,” Parker said. “Many pastors barely touch on the life issue.”
While Parker is thankful that many pastors and churches observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday each January, he does not believe that is enough.
“‘Well, I’ve dealt with the life issue for the year,’ is often the attitude of pastors,” Parker said. “That’s not going to combat Planned Parenthood, which kills babies 365 days a year and strategizes for years in advance as to how to push what it is after.
“Our actions reflect who we are and what we believe, and Planned Parenthood puts time, energy, and money into what it wants,” Parker said. “Unfortunately, many churches don’t. So, the challenge is for churches to get serious on the issue of life and then do something about it.”
Practical steps
For those who are already biblically minded on the life issue but are unsure how to get involved and translate their beliefs into action, Parker offers several practical steps.
“A simple first step is for the pastor and the leadership of the church to ask if any members would like to start a pro-life prayer group,” Parker said.
He explained that there are often members with whom the Lord has already been dealing, who will be overjoyed to know the church has decided to act, and they will volunteer.
According to Parker, not only will the prayer group further educate the church but also naturally seek ways to support pro-life causes.
“Secondly, I would encourage churches to become a ‘house of refuge,’ a concept suggested by Love Life, a national pro-life ministry,” Parker said.
According to Love Life (lovelife.org), houses of refuge are “local churches that clearly communicate to their people how they will respond to an unplanned/crisis pregnancy and have a clear plan in place to care well for those families.”
“In many churches, there are unmarried women who’ve become pregnant and don’t want it to be found out for fear of the church’s reaction. That sometimes causes them to contemplate abortion,” Parker said.
“If women understood from the beginning that the church, while not condoning the act itself, would not condemn them – but would instead offer support – that could significantly change the perspective for a woman who might otherwise consider having an abortion,” Parker explained.
His final suggestion on how churches can initiate tangible pro-life efforts is to identify their nearest pregnancy clinic and assess its needs
“Contact that clinic and ask, ‘How can we help? Can we send volunteers? Can we collect diapers? What can we do?’ And then put that clinic in the church budget and financially support it regularly,” Parker said. “There are so many ways in which pregnancy clinics could use assistance, but too often, they just don’t get it.”
Parker underscored the dramatic impact Christians, churches, and pregnancy clinics can have on mothers considering abortion.
“Sometimes, though they are contemplating abortion, these mothers are really on the edge, crying out for help,” Parker said. “In many cases, they’re just hoping someone will encourage them to keep their baby and offer to help them, and if just one person does, they’ll often change their minds.”
(Digital editor's note: This article was published first in the January/February 2025 special pro-life issue of The Stand. Click HERE for a free six-month subscription.)