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Why Does the World Hate the Jews?

Monday, December 02, 2024 @ 09:51 AM Why Does the World Hate the Jews? Dr. Alex McFarland Christian Apologist, Radio Host MORE

Why does the world hate the Jews? Hint: They don’t. They hate the God of the Jews for loving the Jews, but they can’t get to Him, so they attack the people He loves. Yet God continues to return, forgive, protect, restore, and cover Israel with His blessings and prosperity. Why?


One reason: Israel is God’s proof to the world how much He loves each of us. We all stray; that’s neglect. We all fail; that’s humanity. We all choose our way and reject His; that’s obstinance. We all trust our judgment and reject His; that’s insolence. All are sinners. All are very Jewish. You’re far more Jewish than you think.


God promised Abraham that through him, all the nations of the Earth would be blessed. Did He mean financially? Jewish financial assets prop up the top five world economies. Experientially? Jews have enriched the world’s art, music, literature, and comedy. DaVinci’s Last Supper depicts a Jewish Passover. Spiritually? The Bible is the world’s most loved and quoted book. Shakespeare quoted it over 400 times. Of its 40 writers, only two were not Jews. Medically? Many medical breakthroughs owe their experimentation, formulation, research or discovery to Jews.


No other race equals their accomplishments despite Jews being fewer than 1% of the world’s population. One people group claiming all those exploits seems impossible, and yet… perhaps those achievements cause angst or envy. Prejudice begets hostility, and eventually hatred. Hate justifies malice. Jews have experienced plenty of malice. Malice unchecked leads to violence and murder. Millions of Jews have died only for being Jews. 


How can one people group, one race, one religion and one nationality (Jews are all four) be so hated worldwide? 


Ask that in some churches, and you will hear, “Christians have replaced them.”


Ask in a university social sciences classroom, and you’ll hear, “They’re not real Jews.”


Ask a radical Muslim terrorist, and you’ll hear, “Little Satan — infidels.” Before you get too offended, remember they also hate and want to kill “Big Satan.”


Ask it in a bar, and you will hear, “They control Hollywood… and the weather.”


Ask it online, and you could be de-platformed for saying the same things about a cat video that people express with impunity about Jews.


Jew-haters are really God-haters. He said, “I will make you a into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2). Nation, check; name, check; blessing, check.


“I will bless them that bless you and curse him who curses you: and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3). All the Earth’s families.


“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you prosper” (Psalm 122:6). Not America’s peace, Jerusalem’s peace.


Israel accepted a dozen “peace deals” other nations broke. Israel gave away land it rightfully captured after it was attacked first. Israel is the only nation in the history of warfare that has been required to give aid and comfort to their enemy while the war is still ongoing, even after proving the aid is being stolen by Hamas and sold to the “innocent” Gazans. “Giving aid and comfort to the enemy” is literally the dictionary definition of treason.


Can anything stop the world from hating Jews? Is there a cure for Antisemitism? Yes. Get to know the God who loves the Jews and restored Israel to her land as prophesied, “in one day” (Isaiah 66:8). Will the Jews or Israel ever disappear? No. God promised the Jews would only cease to exist if the sun, moon, stars and seasons ceased to exist (Jeremiah 31:35-37).


Learn to love what and whom God loves. Your other choice is to be an enemy of the God who promised always to love the Jews. I am Zionist Alex McFarland, and I love Israel.


(Editor's Note: This article was posted first on Dr. McFarland's website HERE.)

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