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Thank You

Monday, December 30, 2024 @ 11:05 AM Thank You Wesley Wildmon Vice-President Outreach MORE

As 2024 draws to a close, I want to say, “Thank you” for supporting AFA in every way possible. All your prayers, financial support, and activism do not go unnoticed.

Each time I read a handwritten thank-you note or meet one of you through my travels, you are always an encouragement to me, personally, and to the staff at AFA. So, from the bottom of my heart, I say it again: “Thank you!”

Now, I want to encourage you by sharing a few ways that AFA has broadened its reach and advanced its mission this year – because of your support.

American Family Radio

During 2024, we invested in getting our radio content to as many people as possible via two platforms: the AFR app for smart devices and the purchasing of two new FM frequencies. The AFR app now averages over 500,000 podcast downloads every month. This includes all AFR shows.

By purchasing FM signals in both Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, Alabama, the total population count added to AFR’s reach is over 600,000. God continues to expand AFR’s reach each year as we pray 1 Chronicles 4:10 over the network: “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!”

God has been good to AFR through you!


In July 2024, AFA released Activate, a biblical worldview training curriculum from American Family Studios (AFS). Activate is an in-depth, educational, worldview training course designed to provide Christians with biblical teaching on some of AFA’s core issues: the sanctity of human life, marriage and family, religious liberty, and stewardship. (See p. 16).

The curriculum is a concise and thoughtful resource that provides students with creative opportunities to live out what is taught through 18 video sessions. I like to think of Activate as a tool for training “AFA Marines.”

And because of you, we are now able to better prepare believers to fight in today’s culture war.

‘Culture Warrior’

After three years in the making, AFS just released Culture Warrior: Don Wildmon and the Battle for Decency. This is a full-length documentary about my late papa, the founder of AFA. The film contains original footage of him from many of his early debates and interviews as well as dozens of testimonies about his faithfulness to the call God placed on his life.

I really hope this film will inspire you to live out your Christian beliefs and trust God with the outcome. After all, as my papa always said, “God didn’t call us to be successful; He called us to be faithful.”

Thank you for being faithful to support the work of AFA this year and in the years to come. We need you, and America needs you.

We live in a time of sharp division that our nation has not experienced since the late 1960s. Many despise American ideals – including biblical morality.

But for over 45 years, AFA has been on the front line of resisting the influence of so-called progressives who want to transform America into a Marxist state. The battle for the soul of the nation has never been more intense or its outcome more critical.

Your prayers and gifts underwrite a faithful, determined, prayerful grassroots effort to restore America to her Christian foundation. Without your support, AFA would not exist.

So, I will say it one more time: “Thank you!”

(Digital Editor's Note: This article was published first in the December 2024 print edition of The Stand. Click HERE for a free six-month subscription.)

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