American Family Radio (AFR) will cover the 2024 election returns beginning at 6 p.m. Central on November 5. Election coverage will be hosted by Fred Jackson, Ed Vitagliano, Tim Wildmon, Walker Wildmon, and Wesley Wildmon. Special guests include Abraham Hamilton III (6:30 p.m.), Sandy Rios (7:30 p.m.), Tony Perkins (8:30 p.m.), and Jenna Ellis (9:30 p.m.).
“It is not an exaggeration to say this election is one of the most important elections in recent history,” said Fred Jackson, director of American Family News. “The two parties now stand for two very different views for the future of the nation. The news service has been very busy in recent months bringing our listeners and readers the details on those very different views. Election night will represent the jury’s decision of what view will dominate critical political decisions for years to come.”
Coverage will air on all AFR stations and will also be available via the AFR app, AFR social media pages, and at afr.net. Video coverage can be viewed at stream.afa.net.