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Turning the Channel

Thursday, October 24, 2024 @ 09:36 AM Turning the Channel Hannah Meador Associate Digital Media Editor MORE

The Menendez brothers. Gypsy Rose. Anna Sorokin.

Over the last year, I have heard these names mentioned more times than I care to admit. Whether it was an in-person conversation or on social media, these are just a few hot-topic individuals that have been prominent in 2024 cultural discussions. However, I had no idea who they were when I first heard their names, perhaps like many of you.

But thanks to Google’s help, it didn’t take long to figure it out. Here is a brief synopsis of the three parties mentioned above:

  • In 1989, after allegedly suffering from child abuse, brothers Erik and Lyle Menendez gruesomely murdered their parents in their California home. Some sources say that the murders were so graphic that the bodies were unrecognizable when found.
  • Similar to the Menendez brothers, Gypsy Rose also experienced a type of child abuse at the hands of her mother, who experienced Munchausen syndrome by proxy. When she was an adult, after meeting a boyfriend through an online dating site, she convinced him to stab her mother to death.
  • Although Sorkin is in a much different category than the first two, her claim to fame came from being a con artist. Following her 2018 arrest, she was sentenced to 12 years in prison. A Today article reported that she conned “many individuals out of more than $200,000.”

While these crimes differ, each one has (at least) two things in common. First and foremost, they are convicted criminals. Secondly, the culture glamorized them because of their crimes.

This fall, Netflix released a show dramatizing the Menendez brothers’ life and convictions. Likewise, following Rose’s release from prison late last December, in early 2024, she began a press tour promoting her documentary and book. In 2019, Hulu also released a TV show about Rose’s childhood and the murder of her mother. While many viewers and true crime enthusiasts may have opposing opinions on these criminal cases and television shows, murder is still murder, just as sin is always sin.

As for Sorkin? She appeared in ABC’s Dancing with the Stars’ most recent (and still ongoing) season. To top off her glittery outfits, she wore a bedazzled ankle monitor as she glided across the stage. Why? Because as a criminal, she is still under house arrest.

Yep, you read that right.

She was promoted to “star” status for her crimes, as the show title so blatantly explains. Meanwhile, the other two parties also received television air time based on their decisions to murder.

But how could that be? It’s simple.

Many Americans are fascinated with crime and all that it entails. According to a Better Help article, “research shows that approximately 50% of Americans enjoy the true crime genre, and about 13% say it’s their favorite.”

The article continued to list reasons individuals are interested in this genre, ranging from fascination to entertainment to curiosity. But as Christ followers, is exposing ourselves to this type of media content truly Christ-honoring?

I’m a firm believer that the material we let into our homes has the dangerous potential to impact our minds, families, and hearts. And if these types of shows, among others, glamorize the darkness while elevating real-world villains to superstar status … How is that beneficial to growing in holiness?

In Colossians 1:13-14, the writer vividly explains that Christ rescued us from darkness. In Him, we have been forgiven! We shouldn’t want to dwell in the place we were redeemed from. Instead, we should seek redemption and pursue godliness – not glorify sinful actions – such as murder and theft.

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins

Scripture is also very specific in Philippians 4:8. Our minds should be focused on things that are holy, good, praiseworthy, and pure. This should be applied to all aspects of our lives – even our television, movie, music, and media choices!

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

If the content we are consuming isn’t filled with these things, it might be time to change the channel. But in the meantime, we can continue to pray for those impacted and for salvation for those who need it.

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