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Who's Weird?

Monday, September 09, 2024 @ 11:07 AM Who's Weird? Gary Bauer Campaign for Working Families MORE

The Left loves to demonize its opponents. For decades, Democrats have accused Republicans of being “racist.” George W. Bush was blamed for the horrific murder of James Byrd, a black man. John McCain was compared to segregationist George Wallace. In 2012, then-Vice President Joe Biden said Mitt Romney wanted to put black Americans “back in chains.”

If conservatives aren’t being accused of racism, they are called “misogynists” who hate women. If you believe that marriage is a unique institution between a man and a woman, what it has always been throughout history, the Left says, “You’re a bigot!”

More recently, the Left has adopted the smear of “Christian nationalist,” which deliberately sounds like “white nationalist.” So, if you happen to love Jesus and also love America, the Left says that makes you a bad person.

We used to call these people “patriots.” Every one of our Founding Fathers would be considered a “Christian nationalist,” as would most Americans throughout most of our history. But today, that makes you weird, which brings us to the Left’s latest label.

Conservatives are “weird,” Democrats insist. A few weeks ago, they were saying it practically in unison. The Democrat National Committee recently paid for billboards featuring pictures of J.D. Vance, Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., with the caption, “WEIRD AS HELL.”

This is what psychologists call “projection” – a defense mechanism where one person attributes their faults to another person. If Kamala Harris and her supporters want a debate about “weirdness,” bring it on!

Democrats believe a baby in the womb with a heartbeat, arms, and legs is no different than your appendix. They believe taxpayers should be forced to pay for abortions, and they support abortion without any limits, all nine months of pregnancy. The Democrat National Convention even featured free abortions from Planned Parenthood. It’s no exaggeration to say that they want as many abortions as possible. Their obsession with death is really weird.

Democrats believe in defunding the police and in open borders. They believe illegal aliens should get free housing and free healthcare. They believe illegal aliens and convicts in prison should be allowed to vote in our elections. That’s really weird.

They believe America is an evil nation and that our Constitution is “trash.” That’s really weird.

Many Democrats are praising communism and embracing price controls over capitalism and free markets. That’s really weird.

Democrats claim to be “saving democracy,” but they just carried out a coup against the sitting president and nominated a candidate no one voted for. That’s really weird.

They cannot define what a woman is. They believe men get pregnant. They insist boys should be allowed to cheat in athletic competitions by playing in girls’ sports. They believe young children should be allowed to get mutilating and sterilizing transgender surgeries. That’s REALLY weird.

If we’re going to have a national debate over weirdness, it’s no contest. Democrats win hands down!

Abortion on demand, defunding the police, open borders, anti-Americanism, non-citizens voting in our elections, and denying basic biology are all bizarre and weird. So, I welcome that debate because the American people overwhelmingly reject Harris’s weird positions on every single one of those issues. 

Of course, traditional issues like the economy, foreign policy, and national security also matter. Inflation is crushing small businesses and struggling families. The weakness of the Biden/Harris administration has created chaos all over the world.

This campaign is about who will govern us and set the direction of our country over the next four years. It’s about the policies – not personalities – that will impact our daily lives and determine the future of our children and grandchildren.

And for sake of our children and grandchildren, the Democrats’ war on normalcy should be a big part of the debate in this election precisely because it will impact our daily lives. It directly impacts our most fundamental values – the freedom of speech, religious liberty, parental rights, and the well-being of our children.

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