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An American Pantheon of Idols

Thursday, September 26, 2024 @ 09:19 AM An American Pantheon of Idols Jordan Chamblee Stand Writer MORE

The first commandment, about the exclusive worship of God alone, thunders just as loudly today as it did long ago from Mount Sinai. But just as it happened to the Hebrews of old, pantheons of false gods are finding their way into the hearts of humanity in a relentless parade.

Today, a new pantheon of idols is sweeping across America, according to Christian radio host Todd Herman.

Herman, a prominent voice in conservative media, has long been at the forefront of political and cultural commentary. He served as a regular rotating host of The Rush Limbaugh Show. Currently, Herman hosts A Disciple’s View on American Family Radio, where he explores the intersection of faith, politics, and culture.

The idols

In an April 17 broadcast of A Disciple’s View, Herman identified politics as American society’s first and, perhaps, most pervasive idol. He candidly shared his own struggle with this idol.

“In my life, it’s politics,” he said, “without a doubt. See, I spent a good long time in conservative media making an idol of politics, and I will say flatly, bluntly, we are not going to be rescued by any human being. We can’t rescue ourselves.

“[Yet] it’s so easy for politics to become an idol,” Herman explained, “because it [the situation] seems so utterly dire sometimes, particularly with the massive corruption that’s in Washington, D.C.”

While Herman encouraged Christians to remain politically active, his words remain a warning not to place undue hope – a hope that should ultimately belong to God – in the political systems of the world.

The second idol Herman identifies is the worship of work and career. He reflected on his own generation’s tendency to prioritize professional achievement above all else.

“I don’t know about you,” he said, “but men in my generation … many of us bought into the obsession mentality of working and providing.”

Herman explained that the pride and identity that come from one’s career and pursuit of success can easily lead even a Christian into idolatry. This obsession with success, Herman argued, can lead to neglecting the pursuit of God and righteousness.

The third idol in Herman’s modern pantheon is the government. He criticized the growing reliance on government solutions and the steady erosion of individual liberties.

“Generations get what generations accept,” he said, noting that today’s generation has accepted and even celebrated governmental overreach as if it were a kind of savior.

“But D.C. is not our hope,” he declared.

The true God

With the increasing idolization of politics, success, and government as well as the formation of new idols every day, how can Christians guard against the rising pantheon of false gods in the culture? Herman consistently returned to the importance of following God’s Word as the antidote to these modern idols. Emphasizing the need to stay on the path of righteousness, he cited Proverbs 4:13-15: “Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life. Do not enter the path of the wicked and do not proceed in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not pass by it; turn away from it and pass on.”
Herman implored believers to discern what they accept and to hold fast to Christian values. He encouraged Christians to examine their own lives for false idols and to prioritize their relationship with God.

“I’m seeking a relationship with the Lord Jesus,” Herman declared. “More importantly, He’s seeking a relationship with you and a relationship with me”



For a plethora of resources on idolatry, visit
and type “idolatry” in the search bar.

(Digital Editor's Note: This article was published first in the September 2024 print edition of The Stand. Click HERE for a free six-month subscription.)

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