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Where's the Logic?

Monday, June 03, 2024 @ 12:15 PM Where's the Logic? Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

“From the river to the sea!”

We’ve seen the protests. We’ve heard the chants.

And as we’ve watched these hate-filled, malicious scenes of college protests played out on every media outlet in the known world, we’ve tried to process the unmitigated antisemitic hatred.

But it’s almost impossible to fathom how pampered, privileged, and protected American kids have the gall to defend (much less openly protest) in favor of a blatant terrorist organization such as Hamas.

These protests are baffling and disturbing. They make no sense whatsoever.

Truly, they defy logic!

Come to think of it … logic (or the lack thereof) may be the missing key to this entire madness.

A couple of weeks back, a social media influencer named Zach Sage Fox (not vetted or endorsed by AFA) highlighted this lack of logic in an online game-show video he titled “Gaza Graduation.”

Dressed in a graduate’s cap and gown, complete with an academic stole, Fox conducted his game show on various college campuses, including New Jersey’s Montclair State University, Borough of Manhattan Community College, and New York University.

Fox’s costume was appropriate in so many ways, especially since he carried out his “Gaza Graduation” hosting duties with a straight face, while a series of college-age participants walked around and lounged on their schools’ neatly manicured lawns. Each student was jovial, relaxed, even snacking and laughing – seemingly without a care in the world – other than their unified hatred of Israel.

Yet, in hopes of winning a $100 bill, these “educated” contestants from various schools of higher learning happily answered Fox’s game-show questions. To be honest, for the entire minute and thirty seconds of this video, it seemed as though these kids were attending a party or a picnic in the park.

So much so, that the perfect execution of Fox’s Socratic irony was lost on all these happy-go-lucky, picnicking defenders of Hamas – beginning with the game show’s very first contestant.

The young woman in question smiled as she proudly held an obviously handmade (rather sad-looking) cardboard sign sans some much-needed punctuation: “Free Free Palestine.”

“Have you guys ever chanted ‘from the river to the sea?’” Fox asked her nonchalantly.

Still smiling, she nodded emphatically to him and said, “Yes.”

He continued questioning this student from Sarah Lawrence College, a private liberal arts college in Yonkers, New York, with a yearly tuition cost of more than $85,000.

“Which river?” queried Fox. “Which sea?”

She seemed confused and looked to her companion for help. The friend was also clueless.

Neither student, despite their elite and costly educations, had any idea that their chant was calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and thus, consequentially, calling for the total erasure and eradication of Israel and its people.

Oh, well. Wrong answer: no problem.

Carrying his pocketful full of Benjamins onto the next contestant, Fox asked the same question of a student from Pace University in New York City. Despite paying over $75,000 for her education, this student was also unable to answer the question correctly.

So much for that question. Maybe students at a smaller school with more sensible tuition might have better answers to different questions.

Nope, even at Bronx Community College, Fox’s questions remained unanswered.

In a subsequent mainstream news interview, Fox stated that he never gave away any money on “Gaza Graduation.” In fact, not one single student he questioned on all those college campuses even came close to answering basic questions pertaining to their antisemitic protests:

“What does Hamas say their number-one goal is, according to their charter?”

“How many years did Israel occupy Gaza?”

“What is the definition of Zionism?”

“What does intifada revolution mean?”

“How much have our foreign adversaries (China, Qatar, Russia) donated to American universities in the last decade?”

“How many Gazan refugees have the Arab neighboring countries let in during the last few months?”

In the closing remarks of his now-viral video, Fox astutely remarked that none of these students really seemed to know what they stood for. Then, he asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if these expensive colleges actually taught them something?”

But I think a better question might be, “Wouldn’t it be great if we the people stopped paying these liberally elite, Leftist cesspools to indoctrinate our children?”

Where’s the logic in that?

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