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Conversation Tips for Pride Month

Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 07:49 AM Conversation Tips for Pride Month Jeff Chamblee The Stand Radio MORE

As Pride Month continues to unfold across the country in a myriad of ways, it brings with it an opportunity for believers to respond with grace and truth in a way that honors Christ. In my recent conversation with Dr. Matt Ayars, lead pastor of Wellspring Church in Madison, Mississippi, and former president of Wesley Biblical Seminary, we addressed two of the root issues at hand concerning Pride Month – love and identity.

While the culture at large believes Christian opposition to Pride Month is based on animosity toward homosexuals, nothing could be further from the truth. Love for our neighbor demands that we speak against anything that would lead people into harm and destruction. Dr. Ayars also explained that Christians cannot be silent. We are called to be the moral compass of our culture, preserving it from self-destruction by engaging the cultural narrative of sexual autonomy.

Dr. Ayers contrasted the Freudian notion that sexual orientation is the primary driver of our identity with the biblical worldview that places our identity on the relationships we have with each other, and ultimately to God. As human beings, we are fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers among other things, but the Bible defines what should be our most essential relationship. According to Dr. Ayers, "The most important thing that defines our identity is our relationship to God himself." Having this perspective shifts our focus away from any temporal characteristic that might define us toward the most fundamental identity we can have – sons and daughters of God through Christ Jesus.

Engaging in conversations about Pride Month can be challenging, especially when personalities become emotionally charged. Dr. Ayers offered practical advice for these interactions, emphasizing the importance of active listening, humility, and patience. He encourages Christians to ask clarifying questions and remain calm and composed. Using Scripture wisely and agreeing to disagree when necessary are also key components of respectful dialogue.

As you listen to this podcast of The Stand Radio, I think you’ll find Dr. Ayers' insights to be a faithful and compassionate framework for Christians navigating the complexities of Pride Month.

Click HERE to listen to the podcast on AFR or click below to listen on YouTube.

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