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Biden Administration Deems Christians ‘Unsafe’ As Foster Parents

Monday, May 13, 2024 @ 09:36 AM Biden Administration Deems Christians ‘Unsafe’ As Foster Parents Jeff Chamblee The Stand Radio MORE

According to 2021 data from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System, nearly 400,000 children are in foster care in the United States. Now the Biden administration is seeking to introduce LGBTQ ideology into the qualifications for becoming a foster parent, which would make Christians ineligible.

President Joe Biden’s “Safe and Appropriate Foster Care Placement Requirements” proposal has the stated goal of providing “safe and proper” care for LGBTQ-identifying children. The unstated result would be the undermining of religious liberty and freedom of speech and the separation of children from the influence of those who hold to a biblical view of sexuality. If implemented, the rule would require agencies to place children with foster parents who must “provide for the needs of the child related to the child’s self-identified sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.” The rule also states that a foster parent who attempts to “undermine, suppress, or change the sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression would not be a safe and appropriate placement.”

Attorneys generals' response

In response to this proposed rule, attorneys general from 19 states wrote a letter to the Biden administration urging it to reverse course. 

The letter stated: “The foster care system depends on individuals and organizations of faith. … States need faith-based organizations in the foster care system. The proposed rule will drive individuals and organizations of faith away, which will increase the strain on the system by reducing the number of available foster homes.”

The attorneys general said the proposed rule discriminates against individuals and organizations of faith and violates the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. Specifically, “The proposed rule infringes on the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech, fundamental rights preserved by the First Amendment. ”

Biden’s agenda

“Our concern is that those who choose not to affirm the LGBTQ rules because of their Christian faith will be deemed ‘unsafe’ by the Biden administration and ultimately rejected or cut out of the foster care system,” said Ed Vitagliano, AFA executive vice president.

He further explained, “The Supreme Court has already ruled on the issue of foster care and said you can’t discriminate against Christians. But this is a way for those in the LGBTQ community to circumvent this Supreme Court ruling.”

Authors of the proposed rule are claiming that they want children to be “free from hostility, mistreatment, or abuse,” but Vitagliano said this language is indicative of LGBTQ ideology.

“What these LGBTQ activists do, they start off by saying, ‘We want all children to be safe’, but then ‘safe’ is defined as foster parents being in full support of a child’s gender identity,” Vitagliano explained.

“So while the Biden administration doesn’t come right out and say, ‘Christian parents need not apply to be foster parent’ – that would be clearly unconstitutional – instead, it says, ‘No one unwilling to keep LGBTQ kids safe, need apply.’ And of course, that means you can’t hold to the teachings of your faith,” he continued. “It’s very shrewd and crafty how they’ve framed this issue to exclude Christian parents without coming right out and saying, ‘We don’t want Christian foster parents.’”

(Digital Editor's Note: This article was published first in May 2024 print edition of The Stand. Click HERE to receive a six-month complimentary subscription.)

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