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From Hope to Horror: The Briana Ivy Story

Thursday, January 25, 2024 @ 12:18 PM From Hope to Horror: The Briana Ivy Story Lauren Bragg Stand Writer MORE

Conservative commentator, Candace Owens, says she has “Never been more proud or haunted by an interview” after her encounter with Briana Ivy.

Ivy is a biological male who underwent two male-to-female sex change surgeries by the time he was nineteen. This is the story of the nightmare that quickly became his reality.

In an opinion piece for the DailyWire, Owens said,

“Briana’s story is not one that is broadcast in mainstream media, nor is it one that gender clinics want anyone to share. But in the face of criticism, threats, and general pushback, Briana is bravely telling his story so children and teenagers (and their parents) who are considering a route to becoming trans[gender] can understand what real life will look like.

“He and his family trusted the path doctors paved and social media posts painted that trans[gender] life looks like everything Briana had hoped for. What they didn’t see were the tragic stories of people who had gone down the path of hormones, blockers, and surgeries — life behind the Instagram grid, the TikTok video, and the social media posts. Briana bravely shared heartbreaking details of his experience to save others from the same hurt.”

Ivy, who had been on hormone blockers and estrogen injections to stop his male puberty since he was only fifteen, said that even though just by looking at him, onlookers perceived him to be a girl, it wasn’t enough for him to be able to go into the world and “pass” as a biological female.

“My mental health still wasn’t better. The way I felt about myself still wasn’t better. I was still so desperate for something. And that’s when I became really desperate for surgical intervention.

“I turned back to social media … I look at other transgender people, and something very prevalent in the transgender community, specifically among transgender females is that surgery is almost a status symbol. That was something I saw as a teenager … the most successful, the ones that looked the happiest were the ones who had every procedure done … that’s all I wanted. I thought that must be what I was missing. I thought, ‘Oh I must not be transitioning enough so I’ve got to keep going.”

Owens used the moment as an opportunity to point out that's par for the course on social media. This is what it was created for, to consistently cause chaos that separates us from contentment. To paint pictures of greener grass that cause division and disruption of peace. She refers to it as the psychology of social media, the Kardashian mindset where having equals happiness.

And that is just what Ivy set out for. To find his happiness in what he would soon find to be the empty promises of doctors. What he sought out in hope quickly turned to horror.

“The conversation really began with the doctor I was seeing within the gender clinic,” Ivy recalled. “A very common theme every time we were in the gender clinic was that, these surgeries and doing all of this young, you won't even really feel transgender, you’ll feel and look like a biological female. You will be one.”

By the age of 19, Ivy had undergone two sex change surgeries and was moving forward to undergo something referred to as “bottom surgery.” Bottom surgery is the physical reconstruction of the biological genitalia to resemble whichever gender the person feels they identify with.

“It gave me the idea that I almost wouldn’t have to be transgender,” Ivy thought back. “If I do this all really young and fast I felt like I could skip that, and [the doctors] made it feel real.”

Ivy went on to reveal that he discovered a doctor on TikTok, a popular social media platform, named Sidhbh (pronounced “Sive”) Gallagher, a surgeon who specializes in gender transformative surgery. Ivy ended up seeing Dr. Gallagher for his first bottom surgery consultation.

“She’s on TikTok and she’s using popular sounds and making jokes and discussing these procedures so lightheartedly,” Ivy explained her initial attraction to Dr. Gallagher. “It definitely downplays what these surgeries really entail.”

“She immediately had me come in for a consultation, and after my appointment, she relocated to Florida, which was when I was referred to Dr. Joshua Roth … my consultation [with him] was very similar to Dr. Gallagher. They handed me a blue piece of paper and it was like taking an order.”

This is where Ivy recalled hearing for the first time about a breakthrough “miracle” procedure that would, according to Dr. Roth, essentially bring all of his hopes and dreams of being a real, biological woman to fruition.

“I think he told me it would be a four to six-week recovery, and it was anything but that,” Ivy said with disgust on his face.

“After they submitted for insurance approval which came back in two weeks, the surgery date was booked just a few months later,” Owens wrote. “Briana is not oblivious to the fact that some people apply for insurance coverage who are in life-or-death situations and do not receive approval that quickly, if at all. He is also aware that he is now a lifelong patient, as he will forever be on hormones since his body cannot make the ones it’s now dependent on.”

For much of the remainder of the interview, Ivy went into great, excruciating detail recounting the seven-hour surgery and his gruesome recovery. Two weeks of which were spent in the hospital where Ivy was gawked at by students and residents like some sort of science project or freak show exhibit.

“When you go into the gender clinic,” Ivy swallowed through tears. “They’ll tell you if you want to look good and be treated better, start now. Start young. But then you give up everything.”

You can watch the interview for yourself here.

Okay, so what’s the point of telling his story?

This is not the narrative mainstream media is pushing; they don’t want you to hear it. It’s important because he was a child. It’s important because surgeries just like Briana’s are happening in children’s hospitals all over the U.S.

Children’s hospitals.

Briana’s story goes against the grain of the agenda. It is everything they don’t want you to know. Briana’s story is the reality.

Transgender is the new black. Briana’s story began at the age of seven. Children and parents are being fed shiny lies from people in power who they trust. A mental illness is being presented to the masses in a seductive package of self-love and “living your truth.”

If we are not careful, if we are not involved, our children will become desensitized. It will become normal for them. What they are learning in school, and what they are seeing on TV and social media, it’s all designed to tee them up for disaster.

It is imperative now more than ever before that we make sure that our children are not only clad with the full armor of God, but they know how to use it. That they know how to wage war on their knees. That they are strong in the Lord and mighty in power. Scripture says to be ready for when the day of evil comes. That day is here. May our babies be prepared and ready to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled tightly around their waist.

We, as parents, must take action now by being on our guard and standing unwaveringly on what is true. If we don’t stand, our children never will.

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