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Biden Takes Aim at Christian Foster Care

Tuesday, January 02, 2024 @ 12:16 PM Biden Takes Aim at Christian Foster Care Lauren Bragg Stand Writer MORE

The Biden Regime has proposed a new plan that will essentially bar Christians or anyone else who opposes LGBTQ+ ideologies from becoming foster parents, deeming them “unsafe.”

A quick Google search will uncover the gaping disparity between the number of children in the U.S. foster system, an estimated 391,000, and the number of licensed foster homes, 208,823. Sixty percent of those homes claim to be practicing Christians. If you do that math, Biden’s plans will cut placement options by more than half.

The proposed rule by the federal Department of Health and Human Services, “would require that every state’s child welfare agency ensure that LGBTQI+ children in their care are placed in foster homes where they will be protected from mistreatment related to their sexual orientation or gender identity, where their caregivers have received special training on how to meet their needs, and where they can access the services they need to thrive.” The rule is deceptively known as “the Safe and Appropriate Foster Care Placement Requirements.”

The requirements state that the placement must be free of hostility, mistreatment, or abuse based on the child’s LGBTQI+ status.

“In meeting the proposed requirement, the agency must not place LGBTQI+ identifying children with a provider who unreasonably limits or denies a child's ability to express their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. For example, to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child's identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression.”

Alongside a coalition of 17 states, Johnathan Skrmetti, Tennessee’s Attorney General, is leading the charge against the proposed federal protections.

“We all need to do our best to protect kids in foster care, and unfortunately our federal officials don’t appreciate how big an impediment these onerous new rules will be,” AG Skrmetti said in a letter sent to the U.S. Department of Health. “It’s hard enough to run a foster care program without this extra bureaucracy and increased litigation risk. The proposed rule exceeds the agency’s authority and raises serious constitutional concerns.  It also hampers the ability of the states to protect kids by forcing children’s services agencies to police pronoun usage with the same urgency they address physical abuse.”

Read the full letter here.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall had this to say in an interview with The National Desk’s Jan Jeffcoat,

“Clearly, this administration is trying to develop a two-tiered system of foster care selection. One for those who embrace the radical gender ideology of this administration that supposedly within, provide for safe homes for foster kids versus an unsafe designation for those who have sincerely held religious beliefs, who do not adopt this administration's policies. Not only is it unconstitutional, but it's just clearly wrong.”

He went on to call the policy “scary” saying, “you would have to provide so-called gender affirming care for kids, which many states like Alabama have found not only are illegal but also are part of the radical experiments on children that have been rejected in Europe and clearly don't need to be going on with our children.”

The proposed rules will inherently hold foster parents and state agencies legally liable for following and embracing the everchanging narrative of the LGBTQ+ powers that be. Foster carers better know the list of the 72 genders and pronouns like the back of their hand, or else.

According to AFA director of legislative affairs, Dr. Jameson Taylor, this rule is part of a broader agenda seeking to weaponize LGBTQ+ issues against Christians.

“The administration is also pushing to define mis-gendering someone as a form of workplace harassment – that will literally get you fired if you don’t comply. The end goal is to separate kids from their parents. To encourage children to be skeptical of their parents’ values, religious beliefs, and love. If Biden is re-elected, these efforts will accelerate.”

Federal legislation, which has some Republican support, is also seeking to shut down Christian group homes. The so-called Paris Hilton bill (S. 1351), supported by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, would create an unaccountable bureaucratic working group that would be able to regulate Christian foster care/group home providers out of existence.

It is evident now more than ever that a war has been waged on the hearts and minds of American young people. There is an agenda. There is a plan being executed right in front of our eyes. Contact your local legislature for more information on how you can get in the fight to block backward Biden’s wicked plans for our children.

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