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When Words Won't Come

Friday, October 27, 2023 @ 08:30 AM When Words Won't Come Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

Let me be brutally honest. I have tried my best to write about something other than grief this week. I really have – because I know people are probably tired of reading about my heartache and sorrow over the death of my son.

In fact, I have scoured the news for eye-catching articles that might need to be highlighted and discussed, such as the latest ridiculously hypocritical and oblivious statement the girls from The View have made yet again this week.

I found a perfect example from recent shows when Sunny Hostin repeatedly complained and moaned about how Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio-R) was so mean to her during September when she testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary. She claimed that when Jordan questioned her that he was spitting mad, literally yelling and terrorizing her.

Maybe Hostin forgot (or simply did not care) that her testimony was filmed during the September hearing, and that video completely negates her comments about Jordan being a political terrorist. He only asked her two questions that day, and he did not spit, yell, or terrorize her at all. Despite an earlier heated encounter between Jordan and the committee chair, the actual verbal exchange between the congressman and Hostin was pretty cut and dried.

I contemplated blogging about Hostin’s obvious lies and her blindness to the hypocrisy of a host(s) terrorizing the guests they are interviewing. How can she not see that she and her comrades on The View are the absolute epitome of political terrorists?

Yep, I contemplated writing about dear ol’ Sunny, but my heart was just not in it because my words would not make a difference at all in that arena. Anyone who blatantly lies over and over about a recorded national hearing is never going to face the truth of the double standards of duplicity that the Left continually advocates and perpetrates. 

So, I looked a little closer to home for another blog topic, maybe something about education, the love of my heart. Sure enough, I saw multiple articles on the absolute astonishment of the leadership at Harvard University over donors who withdrew millions of dollars of donations in response to the vicious anti-Israel protests and events on campus, events that were fully sanctioned or ignored by the university. Campus officials were astounded that these donations “evidently had strings attached.”

I was astounded, too – at the ignorance of Harvard leadership. I even went so far as to conduct hours of research to write about the irony that a school body with an average IQ of 172 did not know that there is no such thing as free money.

Surely, they understood that if faculty members received monetary grants for research that those monies would be revoked if no proof of research was ever provided. They also had to know that if a student received governmental tuition grants and never attended class that those funds would have to be returned or repaid. How smart does a person have to be to not understand that there are strings attached to every donated dime?

Nothing in life is free; someone, somewhere, had to pay the price. And “evidently,” the Harvard donors were done paying for clueless students (and faculty) to parade around and protest terrorist murderers. These same protesters then cried and complained because their school’s funding had strings attached. How laughably blind and foolish! How can they not see the irony of the eternal strings attached to our betrayal of Israel through our support of Hamas and other murderous terror groups?

But again, I could not bring myself to blog for two pages on the foolishness of these “evidently” smart people. All I could think of were the lives lost in Israel and Gaza. I felt like my words ran empty considering the brutality with which babies and children were beheaded while their mothers were raped, and their fathers were burned alive at the hands of radical Muslim terrorists.

So, there I sat with nothing written on my computer screen, and everything swirling in my head and my heart. What could I possibly write that mattered? What could I say that would counteract the crazy, rampant sinfulness of our obviously broken world? And truthfully, what could I write that could even bring consolation and comfort to my own broken heart?

Then, I realized that the best words, the words that matter the most, are the hope-filled Words of God that are repeated in some form throughout the Bible, from cover to cover:

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6, ESV).

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