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Joe Biden: Left-wing Culture Warrior

Tuesday, May 02, 2023 @ 10:17 AM Joe Biden: Left-wing Culture Warrior Gary Bauer Campaign for Working Families MORE

Joe Biden recently announced his 2024 reelection campaign in an early morning video posted on social media. But if recent polling is anywhere near accurate, the American people are not ready to embrace four more years of Biden/Harris.

An NBC News poll found that 70% of Americans do not want Joe Biden to run again. A Harvard/Harris poll found that 56% of voters have doubts about Biden’s mental fitness, and 67% say he’s just “too old” to run again.

But back to that video.

Biden began by talking about freedom. But it’s not the freedom you and I might have in
mind. It’s not the freedom that this country was founded on – free speech, religious
freedom, Second Amendment freedoms, all listed in our Constitution.

No, almost immediately, Biden brings up abortion, “banning books and telling people
who they can love.” In other words, Joe Biden’s “freedom” is left-wing licentiousness,
and he fully intends to run for reelection as a hard-left culture warrior.

If this is the debate Biden wants to have, I say: BRING IT ON!

When it comes to abortion, Biden and the pro-abortion Democrats are the real
extremists. If you ask Americans, “Should a baby in the third trimester be aborted,”
overwhelmingly they say, “No.”

But that’s Joe Biden’s position.

There isn’t one abortion he would prevent. Not one!

When it comes to “banning books,” Biden isn’t talking about left-wing efforts to ban
Shakespeare, Huckleberry Finn or other literary classics by “dead white men.” And he’s
definitely not talking about banning the Bible, which the left did decades ago.

No, Biden is bashing parents who don’t want their young kids taught about sodomy or
exposed to graphic sexual content in kindergarten! And, yes, these books are graphic.

Parents who have tried reading them aloud at school board meetings have had their
microphones shut off because of how explicit the books are.

If you ask Americans, “Should children in kindergarten be taught about radical gender
theory,” overwhelmingly they say, “No.”

When Biden talks about “love,” he’s doubling down on the left’s promotion of the radical LGBTQIA+ agenda.

If you ask Americans, “Should children be subjected to mutilating surgery and powerful,
irreversible and sterilizing drugs,” overwhelmingly they say, “No.”

The things Joe Biden highlighted in his announcement video are all the cultural and
values issues that establishment GOP consultants insist we must avoid to appeal to the
“moderate middle.”

Well, if Democrats talk about those issues and we avoid them, they will win again. You
can’t beat something with nothing!

There is one thing Joe Biden and I do agree on. He said in his reelection
announcement video that we are in a battle for the heart and soul of America. He’s right
about that.

We are in a battle with the radical left to define the values we will pass on to our children
and grandchildren and to determine what kind of country they will inherit.

The GOP cannot take a pass on the culture war. Only one side can prevail in the battle
for the “heart and soul” of America.

For the sake of the country, Republicans must engage in this debate. America
deserves better than Joe Biden’s bitter divisiveness.

Gary L. Bauer, former chief domestic policy adviser to President Reagan and a Trump-appointee to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, serves as president of American Values, chairman of Campaign for Working Families PAC, and senior vice president of public policy for the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.

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