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If It Can Happen in Virginia...

Thursday, May 26, 2022 @ 12:48 PM If It Can Happen in Virginia... Tim Wildmon President MORE

(Editor's Note: This article was first published in the May 2022 print edition of The Stand)

Many Americans are catching on to what the progressive politicians/groups and their supporters in the left-wing media are up to. These people are wicked and are pushing in many different areas to radically move our country away from the Constitution and away from our Judeo-Christian heritage, both of which America was founded on.

Two big ways they are doing this is through what is called Critical Race Theory (CRT) and sex education. CRT teaches that the country is divided into two groups of people – the oppressed (people of color) and the oppressor (white people). One of the talking points of CRT is that white Europeans stole the land we live on from Native Americans, and therefore we are an illegitimate country.

Another talking point is that America was built on the institution of slavery, and therefore our government and society are fundamentally corrupted by whiteness. Thus the expression “systemically racist.” I don’t have time or space here to go into detail, but I urge you to watch AFA’s Meeke Addison on this topic.

This teaching is being discovered by parents all over the country, and this is one of the main reasons school board meetings are erupting with parents in protest. Even parents who are not necessarily conservative are objecting to their children being subjected to this guilt-by-skin-color teaching.

I will write more on this specifically in future columns. In short, this Marxist plot is being exposed. And when people, even some moderates and liberals, understand what is being taught here, they are rejecting this poison. 

As far as sex education goes, those pushing the LGBTQ agenda are trying to push their propaganda down to even kindergartners. This is another reason why parents are reacting all over the country at school board meetings.

Red states in particular are reacting to protect their children from those who want to promote the LGBTQ agenda. In March, the Florida state legislature passed a bill called the Parental Rights in Education Act. The bill imposes restrictions on school discussions about “sexual orientation and gender identity” from kindergarten through third grade. The bill also gives parents the right to sue school districts that violate provisions in the bill. Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed the bill into law.

The liberal media dubbed the bill the “Don’t say gay” bill. As they typically do, they misrepresent the true wording and purpose of the law so as to make it appear as mean-spirited bigotry against homosexuals. In actuality, the law basically says kids K-3 in the Sunshine State cannot be subjected to discussions about sexuality because they are too young.

On a side note – as I have stated here before – I think DeSantis is a rock star, and I firmly believe he will one day be President of the United States. He fully understands the clash of worldviews crippling our country, and he has a gift for taking the fight to the secular Left, not unlike former President Donald Trump. However, DeSantis is more disciplined and strategic in his approach and style of governing.

We now know we can win in a lot of places we didn’t think possible just two years ago!

Look at what happened in Virginia, a blue state that now has turned red: Three strong Christians – Governor Glenn Youngkin (white), Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears (black female), and Attorney General Jason Miyares (Latino) – were elected to the state’s three highest offices.

Yes, these scenarios all sound like what my dad, AFA founder Don Wildmon, dreamed of 45 years ago – citizens actively engaging in the culture. Local school boards. Society’s moral issues. Politics.

The fight for who will control where America is going rages on. It’s not going away, and we conservative Christians must not quit. 


Read Matthew White’s article on CRT.

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