Late August normally brings a back-to-school sensation leading many proud parents to buy backpacks, pencil sharpeners, and maybe a new pair of sneakers for their children.
This year, however, we’ve seen a different theme as schools begin to reopen their doors.
Parents across the nation are up in arms, not over crazy schedules, rushed shopping trips, or increased busyness often brought on by the new school year.
This craziness is due to Critical Race Theory.
For many parents, the school boards have not listened to them (or worse as you’ll soon read), so they’ve taken to social and news media to get their message out concerning what exactly the schools are teaching their children.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been in the news constantly during these past months and years, and many still might not know exactly what this theory is.
Take it from the experts, the actual advocates themselves. These are the words of Robin Wildman, a CRT activist who has worked closely with public schools in Rhode Island:
“I believe in working for justice, and not equal rights. The difference is, in reality, while you may be offered the same opportunities, you can easily be denied access due to your race because the vast majority of those [who] control all of the systems in our country are white, due to racism. Justice means breaking down the oppressive systems that prevent BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, and people of color] from accessing opportunities in your community that white people have.”
Essentially, CRT posits that racism is systemic, baked into our country and her institutions. If you’re white, you are an oppressor by definition. If you are not white, you are a victim by definition. It’s ethereal, always present, floating around our country and permeating every facet of American life. If you are a minority and you’re happy, you shouldn’t be, because you are being oppressed and you don’t even know it!
“The idea was like something out of an acid trip,” explained writer Luke Rosiak. “Although we, the regular middle class, were all happy, there was a certain way we could see the world in which we would understand that everything we thought we knew was wrong, and actually, we should be angry.”
The CRT messaging has targeted children, teachers, and parents alike.
In Cupertino, California, third graders at an elementary school were forced to “deconstruct their racial identities” and “rank themselves according to their privilege.”
“We were shocked,” said one parent, “They were basically teaching racism to my eight-year-old.”
In Springfield, Missouri, one middle school has forced teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix.” During diversity-training programs at the school, teachers were given documents that define white heterosexual males as “privileged,” while women, minorities, transgender, and LGBT people are “oppressed social groups.”
In New York City, New York, a public school on the East Side is asking white parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness.” Literature sent home to parents praised “white traitors,” and offered a helpful graphic, “The 8 White Identities,” for any white parents who weren’t sure if they were racist or not.
The colorful picture showed a meter, with 8 sectors spanning - from left to right - “White Supremacist” to “White Abolitionist.”
As all good propaganda does, a legend was included so these terms could be understood.
For a parent to qualify for the “White Abolitionist” club, one would have to be “dismantling whiteness and not allowing whiteness to reassert itself.”
In essence, this theory claims that “whiteness” is inherently evil, and must be stomped out.
Many public schools have adopted this line of thinking, and parents, shockingly, have taken exception to their young children being labeled as either perpetual racists or eternal victims.
“Critical Race Theory is pretty much going to be teaching kids how to hate each other,” one black father explained to a school board meeting in Bloomington, Illinois.
“How do I have two medical degrees [if] I’m sitting here oppressed?” he asked. “I worked for myself from off the streets to where I am right now. [You’re] going to sit there and tell me this lie of Critical Race Theory? When it all comes down to it … the ones [who] are going to be hurt from this [are] the kids.”
In Loudoun County, Virginia, parents left no question where they stand on the issue.
“My child is not oppressed,” noted one black mother during a school board meeting, “As long as you Marxists push your unconstitutional agenda on my child, she will not be returning to Loudoun County schools.”
“Our schools are not for ideology,” said another Loudoun mother. “Our schools are for education.”
Elsewhere, other parents are fed up with the constant CRT messaging.
“As a black person,” said one father during a school board meeting, “I look at CRT, and I see [it] as something that wants to victimize us again, that wants to make us look like we’re oppressed, that we can’t do anything, that we can’t help ourselves. I want to tell you right now, I’m not getting back on the plantation of dependence…. This is just another attempt to keep us divided.”
This agenda falls in line with the typical leftist methodology: Keep it a secret, especially from the parents.
In Raleigh, North Carolina, for example, an organization called Equity Collaborative was scheduled to offer a course to public school teachers called “Intro to Critical Race Theory.”
The course description read, in part: “Deep inside the Equity Collaborative brain, we see schools through the lens of Critical Race Theory. Join us to explore how CRT helps explain everything about why public schools continue to perpetuate inequities, possibly permanently...”
The North State Journal reported that the course was canceled by the district after the Journal filed a records request for the course materials.
If you need more proof, look to Rhode Island, where Nicole Solas is being sued by the National Education Association – the nation’s largest teachers’ union.
The reason for this lawsuit? Solas wanted to know if her child would be taught Critical Race Theory in kindergarten this year.
Solas refused to back down, saying,
“The NEA is so determined to push its political agenda that they are willing to expose themselves in a court of law for who they really are: an association of bullies eager to challenge a stay-at-home mom who simply wanted to know what her daughter would be taught. This lawsuit won’t deter me from asking questions, and I encourage all parents to do the same, so that they are empowered to make informed decisions regarding their children’s education.”
On August 12, a man named Derrick Wilburn stood up at a school board meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and gave a testimony that mercilessly obliterated the CRT rationale.
Wilburn explained that he was a direct descendant of slaves on both sides of his family tree.
He then declared before the auditorium of parents and the school board members:
“I am not oppressed and I’m not a victim…I have three children, and they are not oppressed either.”
“Putting Critical Race Theory into our classrooms is taking our nation in the wrong direction,” he continued. “Racism in America would by and large be dead today if it were not for certain people and institutions keeping it on life support. And sadly, one of those institutions is the American education system.”