JANUARY 1994 – Last month another letter came. I receive this kind ever so often. The battle is over, the writer said. It was lost several years ago. Although not directly expressed in the letter, the theme was that it is futile to continue the fight.
Admittedly, it seems that way sometimes. I have had those thoughts many times over the years. I began this ministry in 1977. As early as 1978 I ran into those who felt that way.
Well, that being the case, why bother? Why expend time and energy and money—why invest one’s life in a cause which may very well be lost? Indeed, why?
Because it is the right thing to do, that’s why.
Our society is so saturated with this “winning” attitude that we have forgotten what gives meaning and substance to life. You don’t fight battles because you are guaranteed victory. You fight battles because it is the right thing to do – regardless of the outcome.
Life offers no guarantee of victory or success. It never has, never will. It does, however, offer an opportunity to fight for that which is right.
This “health and wealth” attitude has been adopted by our society. Unfortunately, and at a loss of authenticity, this “peace and prosperity” gospel has been preached by some of the best known ministers in America. And millions of Americans have bought into it.
The war may indeed appear to be over. It may indeed appear that we have already lost. But I’m not going to stop fighting. I didn’t enter this battle because I was guaranteed victory. I entered it because it was the right thing to do. And I shall continue fighting the battle for the same reason.
Jesus faced this in His day. The powers that be are too strong, He was told. His resources, too small. The battle was futile. But He did not quit. And when He hung on that cross against the darkened sky, the proof of His futility was visible. It was over, the critics said, and He had lost.
Had He?
(Editor’s Note: From the late 1970s through 2010, Don Wildmon, founder and president emeritus of American Family Association, wrote hundreds of monthly columns for the AFA Journal. This one is offered in the spirit of Psalm 37 as we face the troubles of the world today. It reminds us to trust in the Lord, do good, delight in Him, and commit our ways to His ways.)