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Gov. Newsom Recall Effort and Other Citizen Initiatives

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 @ 10:25 AM Gov. Newsom Recall Effort and Other Citizen Initiatives Anne Reed Former Staff MORE

As a team of staff writers for the AFA Journal, we try to include positive, uplifting stories in the Issues@Hand section of the monthly magazine. However, we also choose from a plethora of news pieces that alert our readers to disturbing trends in our nation.

Though California often seems to top the list in advancing disconcertingly liberal legislation, we are often reminded of many conservative patriots and Bible-believing Christians living within its borders. 

This is evidenced by a petition currently underway to “recall” Gov. Gavin Newsom. In today’s culture, we are familiar with terms like “cancel,” but maybe this talk about “recalling” a governor is new to you.

The state of California has a mechanism that gives citizens the power to remove an elected official from office. It’s not an easy process, nor is it guaranteed. This particular endeavor requires nearly 1.5 million petition signatures by March 17, 2021.  Already, 1.2 million signatures have been secured. But it also requires a vote at the ballot box, where integrity is certainly worth questioning. 

Though it has been accomplished in the past, many believe the recall of Newsom is unlikely. In 2003, when Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor, it was because Gov. Gray Davis (D-CA) had been recalled. It was the first successful recall of a California governor, and it was only the second recall of a state governor nationwide.  

The current effort to recall Newsom began with the massive lock-downs in the state.  And when Newsom was caught dining at a high-end restaurant with a large group after placing overbearing and restrictive demands on California residents, the movement gained significant steam.   

Freedom-loving citizens are fed up with Newsom’s tyranny and are utilizing the power that’s been granted them. We may be seeing more of these citizen-driven efforts coming down the pike in the future of our great country. For instance, in 2020 alone, 20 recall efforts were lodged against Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) for her tyrannical dictates.    

Recall processes

Nineteen states have mechanisms to recall elected officials in one or more branches of state government. (See map.)

For detailed information about the processes from state to state, click here

Other citizen initiatives

States also have other procedures whereby citizens can rise up and accomplish things that legislators either cannot or will not.

Twenty-four states have ballot initiative processes in place requiring petition signatures from a specific minimum number of registered voters in order to put a proposed statute or a state constitutional amendment before the voters.  In some cases, the legislature is given the opportunity to enact it before it goes to the ballot.

Two other states have veto referendum processes, a type of citizen-initiated ballot measure that asks voters whether to uphold or repeal a law passed by the state legislative body. (See map.)



For specific information about the laws governing the citizen initiative process for each state, click here. Also available here is information about laws governing ballot measures in local government.

In your own area, you may be able to accomplish far more than you ever thought possible.

As we look at the state of California, we often see a glimpse of what we will soon see in other states. With each passing day, we are watching freedom slip away. And the American people are realizing that little hope can be placed in our politicians.

The troubling government overreaches are becoming too many to track. But, maybe it’s time for us to pray for the ability to think outside our usual boxes and get involved in ways that had not occurred to us before.

The power of the people is not to be overlooked.

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