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Tell Your Senators to Confirm Judge Amy Barrett to Supreme Court

Monday, September 28, 2020 @ 11:35 AM Tell Your Senators to Confirm Judge Amy Barrett to Supreme Court Tim Wildmon President MORE

Tell Your Senators to Confirm Judge Amy Barrett to Supreme Court

President Donald Trump announced the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Barrett currently serves as U.S. Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Contact and urge your senators to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a recent letter to President Trump, AFA called for the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. We strongly recommended Judge Barrett as "clearly the best of all nominees on President Trump’s list of judges. Judge Barrett is a known and well-respected woman of faith among evangelical, conservative Christians.… We respectfully and unreservedly recommend that you nominate her to the United States Supreme Court."

Based on analysis of research on Judge Barrett, conducted by Judicial Action Group (JAG), it is clear she has a constitutional philosophy of a limited judiciary. This means she opposes judicial activism, whereby judges act as a super-legislature, writing laws from the bench. Judge Barrett has said, "What we want in a Justice, [is] someone who applies the law, who follows the law where it goes and doesn't decide simply on the basis of partisan preference."

Citizens of the United States must help put an end to judicial activism at the Supreme Court.

Liberal opposition to Judge Barrett will be intense, as anti-religious bigots will harass senators who would consider voting for her confirmation. Your senators need to be strongly encouraged to stand strong against the coming liberal tsunami of hate and demonstrate courage by confirming Judge Barrett.

Now is the time to contact your senators.

Please share this blog with friends and family. Urge them to write to their Senators today!

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