My young boys and I have been studying the book of 1 Kings for several weeks now in school. Interestingly, this week we began reading about Ahab, the king who did more evil in the sight of the Lord than any other king before him, and his vile, wicked wife who used her position of leadership to purposely influence the king and lead the people away from God.
As my family watched the State of the Union, my children immediately noticed the peaceful expression on the Vice President’s face. They commented that he looked happy and they even took note of how respectful he was as he kept his eyes fixed on the president and his “hands still.”
On the contrary, they giggled at Nancy Pelosi’s odd smirks and asked why she looked so hateful. We all wondered who she was talking to throughout the speech and we were utterly disgusted by her ripping the speech as the words, “God bless America” filled the room.
Once the SOTU ended, we discussed the key topics, the incredible special guests, the tone of the president, the division in our nation, and our pride in the repeated mention of God’s mighty name.
The boys continued talking to each other as I walked away and one said to another, “That mean ol’ Nancy reminds me of someone …”
Without hesitation, another boy said, “She reminds me of Jezebel!”
The third boy replied, “That’s what I was thinking! Just like a Jezebel! I’m glad she’s not the president!”
In her rage of fury and defiance, I am sure she thought the act of ripping papers behind the president’s back and in front of a nationwide audience was an admirable historic moment. In her own words, it was “the courteous thing to do given the alternative.”
However, it did no favors for her. It showed our country her immaturity, ignorance, and imbalanced emotions. It displayed her deliberate disrespect not only for America but for our leaders, heroes, and citizens. It also mirrored a child’s temper tantrum and communicated to young people that it’s ok to throw a fit when things don’t go your way or meet your approval. It proved to the world that she is a leader who purposefully strives to use her power to divide our people, destroy our freedoms, and defy our God…kind of like a Jezebel.
It’s plain to see the hatred and bitterness on Speaker Pelosi’s face, but I also see a lost, miserably unhappy woman who lacks joy and peace, two things that can only come from the God she fights.
For weeks, we will be bombarded with clips of her expressions and articles about the paper ripping scene. I challenge Christians to humbly pray for Pelosi every single time we see her face or hear her name. We should pray that God will send her a brave “Elijah” she will actually listen to. Someone who can introduce her to the unfathomable Father who “knit her in her mother’s womb” and loved her enough to send His precious Son to die an agonizing death for her.
It’s really very simple. Nancy Pelosi needs Jesus, just like the rest of us. With compassion, we should sincerely begin praying today that her hardened heart will be broken for the things that break the heart of God. Let us unite across these blessed states and pray in Jesus’ name, she will genuinely meet the Prince of Peace and be filled with an inexpressible joy that could truly change history!
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
2 Corinthians 13:11