Who killed Bryce Walker? That was the question haunting fans of 13 Reasons Why prior to Netflix’s August 23 release of Season 3. But now, over a month after its release, most fans are no longer wondering who is to blame for the murder of the show’s monstrous jock. But a lot of people – both fans and critics alike – are questioning the show’s purpose and wondering why it continues to exist.
Look at some of the responses from secular critics following the release of the third season:
- “[W]e’re struggling to find a reason why this show should exist at all,” wrote David Opie at DigitalSpy.com.
- “In its 13-episode third season, Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why has proved definitely that is has no reason left to exist,” said Constance Grady on Vox.com. “It is irresponsible, ridiculous, and boring too. … It’s exhausting and it’s unpleasant and it’s dangerous, and at this point, there is no reason why it should still be around.”
- “I watched Season 3 of 13 Reasons Why, and I deeply regret it, admitted Kristin Clifford, a comedy writer for Book & Film Globe. “It was the most dreadful thing I’ve seen.”
While AFA may not see eye to eye on the reasoning behind some of these secular responses, as AFA’s spokesperson, who has reviewed all 39 episodes of 13 Reasons Why (and was covered in much prayer while doing so), I do agree with their sentiments.
Here’s why:
The current season of the Netflix original, suicide-themed drama has the homicide of serial rapist Bryce Walker at the helm of its darkness, filth, and perversion. Considering Seasons 1 and 2, it’s no surprise that the third season’s storyline is also one of death.
Season 1 was based on a young adult novel by Jay Asher in which teenager Hannah Baker commits suicide as an act of revenge and leaves behind 13 cassette tapes blaming people for her death. Season 2 explored a myriad of heavy topics related to the aftermath of Hannah’s death, then ended with a graphic rape scene and an attempted school shooting. Touted as a murder mystery, Season 3 was expected to cause less controversy than the first two seasons, but, in reality, all the show did was dig its own grave – deeper and deeper with each episode.
In the second of 13 episodes, a teenage girl named Chloe is shown having an abortion, while pro-lifers are depicted as crazy and deceitful. The show’s pro-abortion, pro-death agenda is obvious.
According to an article from BuzzFeedNews: “At a time when restrictive abortion laws are being passed across the U.S., … Anne Winters [the actress who plays Chloe] says abortion storylines on television are more important than ever, especially for young people.” Winters says it’s sad that such restrictive laws are being passed, and she believes “it’s important to highlight abortion onscreen so there’s representation of the issue in pop culture.”
To quote the ideas of author Dr. Michael L. Brown and columnist Jennifer Hartline, abortion and this prideful, flamboyant push for the culture’s acceptance of abortion has become an idol. Brown explains, “Just as a child sacrifice was directly tied to [Old Testament pagan] idolatry, so too abortion itself is an idol, [Hartline calls it] a ‘sacrament and god.’” Hartline continues: “A nation that considers killing its own children to be the pièce de ré·sis·tance of its fight for empowerment and justice is suffering a suicidal delusion.”
So, while the writers and producers of 13 Reasons Why continue claiming that the purpose of the entire show is to foster healthy discussions about taboo topics in an effort to break the silence and save lives, they’re actually promoting death … and glorifying sin, all for the sake of controversial entertainment.
“Clearly, controversy is the aim, not education,” secular critic Maria Sherman wrote on a feminist website.
“Season 3 felt like every episode tried to be scandalous purely for the sake of it,” a viewer commented on an online article at TVLine.com.
All of these critics, though secular and liberal in their views, are spot-on and are voicing their concerns. So how much more should we as believers be speaking out against 13 Reasons Why? If the above comments and the abortion scene aren’t enough to convince you that something must be done about this damaging show that is pandering to teenage emotions and fantasies, then consider the specifics of the third season below.
CAUTION: The following contains highly disturbing and offensive material.
The 13 plus hours of Season 3 contain:
- Pornographic scenes of heterosexual and homosexual teens having sex.
- Teens using sex toys for masturbation and having sexual encounters with a prostitute as a “cure” for being sexually frustrated.
- A graphic discussion about a teen who was sexually molested as a child and later became a sex worker on the streets.
- Two different characters contemplating suicide.
- A teen being brutally assaulted by a former teammate who leaves him for dead before another teen throws him into the river and watches him drown. Teens cover up the murder as does a law enforcement officer.
- The magnification of toxic masculinity and extreme feminism.
- Teen drug use and addiction that is covered up and accepted.
- The humanizing of a serial rapist whose actions are ignored and excused all because of his attempt to be a better person, although his old self is still evident – a complete misrepresentation of human depravity, repentance, and redemption.
- Teens averting a school shooting by disarming and talking down the shooter, hiding it from authorities, and disposing of the weapons. Then they put themselves on an around-the-clock watch of the mentally ill student, who is also suffering from PTSD. They offer friendship as the cure and do not get him help nor inform his parents.
- Parents and authority figures who are routinely clueless, oblivious, and not trustworthy; thus, teens keep secrets and handle serious issues themselves, which totally contradicts the show’s self-proclaimed purpose.
And if that’s not enough to make your stomach turn, there is a fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why already in production.
While AFA is glad to know the end is in site, in terms of new content, unfortunately the dangerous series remains on Netflix. That is why AFA is pressing on, now stronger than ever, urging you to join us in putting the maximum pressure on Netflix to pull all seasons of this series from its streaming service.
Sign the petition here, and let your voice be heard.