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NEA: Pro-Death Declaration

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 @ 08:55 AM NEA: Pro-Death Declaration Wil Addison Dir. Special Initiatives/Radio Producer/Radio Host MORE

Teachers unions are a powerful force in the United States. Just last week at the National Education Association’s annual conference the NEA, which is the largest teachers union in the country with more than 3 million members, approved a new “business item” expressing support for abortion access. They made a pro-death declaration that every God-fearing parent and teacher should be aware of. Every teacher who fears God and is currently a member of the NEA should cut ties immediately. It’s your right to do so.

The NEA resolution states:

“The NEA will include an assertion of our defense of a person’s right to control their own body, especially for women, youth and sexually marginalized people.”

“The NEA vigorously opposes all attacks on the right to choose and stands on the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade.”

Reading these quotes I have to ask myself how an organization charged with making school a safe haven for kids and a good workplace for teachers could be so anti-children in its beliefs? This is because the NEA and other unions like it has morphed from being educational associations to help teachers do their job effectively and make sure children learn in the proper environment into a massive special interest group that does little to advance teachers and more to push leftist agendas.

The NEA is also one of the most politically active unions in the country with a lot of its finances going towards political lobbying that is overwhelmingly centered on giving to Democratic candidates.

The NEA has been known to push diabolical agendas like abortion, homosexuality (to students as young as kindergartners), and normalizing childhood gender dysphoria (by welcoming to schools well-funded transgender and non-binary advocacy groups).

Another piece to the sinister nature of what the NEA seems to be doing is not informing teachers that they can opt-out of their union ties and fees. This was ruled on by the Supreme Court last year in the case Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 31. The ruling said that teachers do not have to pay “agency” or “fair share” fees if they’re not union members. If teachers do not agree with their unions they can cut ties completely and still get the proper representation in collective-bargaining agreements.

A recent survey of about 1,000 teachers commissioned by the Teacher Freedom Project shows that 77 percent said they hadn’t heard of the Janus case before taking the poll and 82 percent said that no one contacted them about their membership options since the Supreme Court decision. This seems to me to be a withholding of information, keeping teachers under the impression that they have to be paying members of these unions or there could be some risk to their employment status.

There is currently a class-action lawsuit in federal court against the California Teachers Association and several local affiliates, alleging that the teachers' unions continued to deduct dues from their paychecks in violation of the Janus ruling. This particular suit names the NEA and as one of the defendants. It is stated in this case that the membership forms do not include sufficient waiver language as required under the Supreme Court’s Janus ruling. They are not being presented with an opt-out option.

Furthermore, I believe if God-fearing teachers were presented with these options the NEA and other unions know they would cut ties because they would not want to be a part of funding what the union leaders are promoting.

Again the NEA and other unions are powerful forces within our country. They hold some major keys to the future of our nation by controlling the content of what’s taught in school and they have a vested political interest in promoting agendas that are anti-God starting at the youngest age possible. Teachers who fear God should know what their money is going to and that they don’t have to participate in the wicked agenda of the National Education Association.

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