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A Mom Gives Birth to Twins after Reversing the Abortion Pill

Monday, July 15, 2019 @ 12:31 PM A Mom Gives Birth to Twins after Reversing the Abortion Pill Anne Reed Former Staff MORE

Alexis* took the pill before thinking it out. Six weeks pregnant, she immediately regretted swallowing the pill that began the chemical abortion process.

As she left the abortion clinic, a woman called out to her from the sidewalk, “It might not be too late.” 

Might not be too late? What is she talking about? 

The woman told her about a website where she could get information and help. 

Alexis pulled over in a nearby parking lot and looked up the website. She was directed to a pregnancy resource center, and, once there, she was given an ultrasound. 

“They were tiny, little babies, and they had beautiful, little heartbeats,” said Courtney Parks, HELP Pregnancy Center’s abortion pill reversal coordinator. “I just remember sitting with her in that ultrasound room and her crying, and just hoping that this would work for her so that she could save her babies.” 

Alexis was quickly administered the progesterone hormone to offset the effects of Mifepristone, keeping the developing babies attached to the lining of the uterus. Over the next several weeks, she continued to visit the pregnancy center to ensure her babies were still healthy and thriving and was even thrown a baby shower by the center and a partnering ministry. She was connected with a physician who provided her with prenatal care for the rest of her pregnancy.

Alexis was stunned by the care, supplies, and gifts she received from her new support system.

“She has had everything that these babies need for several years provided for her,” Parks said. “She told me, ‘If I had known what I know now and I had seen how the Lord has provided for these babies, I would have never even walked into that clinic.’ So, she’s just been overwhelmed with just how good God has provided for her throughout this.” 

Alexis came so close to losing both of her precious babies that day after leaving A Preferred Women’s Health Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. But a woman’s presence and words of hope outside its walls changed everything. 

The abortion center had also performed an ultrasound, but Alexis wasn’t given the opportunity to see her babies. The sonographer had unenthusiastically uttered, “Oh – twins” and moved Alexis to her next step – the abortion. And why not? It’s what they do. Her money was practically in the bank already. 

Abortion clinics aren’t exactly advertising about the possibility of reversing the effects of the abortion pill. And many clinics fail to inform their patients about what to expect after they take the pill and leave the clinic. 

It sounds so clean and simple – poof! Just take a pill, and the pregnancy will be over, just like that! 

Instructions obtained by AFA from an abortion clinic for the second step of the process (completed at home with no medical supervision) read as follows: 

At the same time you took the Mifeprex today, make sure you are at home near a bathroom... Generally, within 2-4 hours, the miscarriage will begin. Prepare for heavy bleeding and cramping. Clots may be as big as a lemon. Bleeding may be very heavy… You may experience diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. This is normal… Cramping may also be severe. These are not menstrual type cramps – they can/will be much stronger… If you feel your health is in danger, call or go to the ER.

This is what Alexis could have expected had she followed through with the second step of the abortion pill (without the effects of the first step reversed). Some women also see their expelled dead baby(ies) during the process described above. 

The psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects reach far beyond the shocking physical experiences. The loss, regret, and guilt can be devastating.

But Alexis has a different story – one of hope and love rather than death and despair. She now has given birth to two beautiful, healthy babies. And she has forged new friendships with many people who love her. 

*Name changed for privacy

See links to previous stories about Love Life, a powerful movement of the church in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Christians Unify to Save Babies Lives’

Raging Battle for Life Underway in Charlotte

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