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The Problem with Pete Buttigieg

Tuesday, April 09, 2019 @ 12:20 PM The Problem with Pete Buttigieg Bryan Fischer Former Staff MORE

The Problem with Pete Buttigieg: His Sexual Conduct (Part I) 

Pete Buttigieg, the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is a rising star in Democrat politics.  He’s expected to announce his candidacy for the presidency soon, joining an already crowded field. 

The buzz about him in Democrat and Talking Snake Media circles is strong. Democrats, faced with a boatload of candidates from geriatrics (Biden and Bernie) to Roman gladiators (Spartacus) to Roman candles (Bobby O’Rourke), are still looking for that one candidate whom they believe can capture the flag. 

In the back of the minds of many Democrats, a fantasy is beginning to form - being the party that elects either the first woman (Kamala Harris) or the first homosexual (Buttigieg) to the Oval Office. So it’s time for Christians to make up their minds about how they are going to process the first campaign run by an open and unapologetic homosexual. 

Speaking only for myself, I do believe his sexual behavior should be a showstopper for conservative Christian voters. Many of us held off on Donald Trump for similar reasons. I was a Cruz guy as long as his candidacy lasted and only became a Trump supporter when the choice came down to him and the rabidly pro-abortion Hillary Clinton. 

Democrats still to this day complain about Trump’s peccadillos, which means they themselves have made sexual misbehavior a legitimate campaign issue. They are hardly in a position to complain if voters have concerns about Buttigieg’s proclivities, which 30% of them do. 

Most people do not want someone in the White House who engages proudly in sexually abnormal behavior. I count myself among them. Now the president has apparently reformed himself and no longer wanders from the hearth as he did 13 years ago. But Buttigieg just got “married” last year, and proudly has his “husband” on his arm at campaign events. 

Buttigieg came out of the closet several years ago, and recently talked openly about his internal battle with his sexual urges, describing his battle with sexual temptation as “a kind of war...If you could have offered me a pill that could make me straight, I would have swallowed it before you could give me a swig of water,” Buttigieg said at the LGBTQ Victory Fund’s annual brunch. “It’s a hard thing to think about now. If you had shown me exactly what it was that made me gay, I would have cut it out with a knife.” 

It’s unfortunate that Buttigieg never developed a relationship with Jesus Christ because Christ came in order to give ordinary human beings victory over exactly the kind of sexual temptation to which Buttigieg surrendered. If he’d developed the spiritual resources he needed at the time, and had come to understand the nature of spiritual warfare, perhaps the arc of his entire life would have been much different. We continue to pray that God will grant him an exit from the addictive and self-destructive behavior that is endemic in the homosexual community and set his feet on a higher path. 

Buttigieg falsely believes that he was “born that way,” telling Mike Pence that if the Vice-President has reservations about his sexual lifestyle, “your quarrel is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.” Well, genetic researchers have been hunting the “gay gene” for decades with no success whatsoever, and have finally given up. The reality is that no one is born gay. Buttigieg erroneously believes that his misguided sexuality is God’s fault. But the Bible is quite clear that “God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one” (James 1:13). 

Buttigieg is so lost in this deception that he believes his sinful choices have “moved me closer to God,” which is a spiritual impossibility. One cannot draw closer to God by immersing himself in a lifestyle that God says is “contrary to nature” (Romans 1:26). 

It will take a second column to explore the policy implications of his sexual identity further, but already some of the implications are clear. For example, if he believes that homosexuals are “born that way,” then he likely will oppose reparative therapy, which has led many, many victims out of sexual darkness into the light. He likely would join forces with those who want to make such therapy a crime, and punish those who want to help confused teens overcome unwanted sexual attractions. So here is the first question Pete Buttigieg needs to be asked: “Do you oppose reparative therapy for teens struggling with same-sex attraction, and would you make it a crime? Yes or No?”

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