Kids love making videos. When we were kids, we recorded ourselves on tape recorders and played it back. It typically involved a lot of giggles and silliness. Likewise, today, children make videos with their phones and post them on YouTube. It’s innocent fun.
But pedophiles are reposting children’s videos and distorting the intent – turning them into a perverted feeding frenzy. And YouTube is facilitating it.
YouTuber MattWhatItIs (Matt Watson) produced his own YouTube video on February 17, 2019, and it already has nearly 2.5 million views. “What this is,” he says, “is child exploitation.” What he reveals should make us all angry and determined to stop YouTube.
YouTube does little to restrict videos, and it makes a profit from this sick exploitation of children.
It starts with the YouTube search engine. Users have reported concerns about shocking autocomplete features. When users typed the words “how to have,” the first suggestions to present were “how to have s*x with your kids” and “how to have s*x kids.”
BuzzFeed News completed the search on multiple devices in an incognito browser window so that search results would not be influenced by any past browsing history. The autocomplete results were as follows:
But that’s only the beginning. And it’s not the only way to intentionally or accidentally enter the wormhole of a “softcore pedophile ring.”
“I can find this wormhole from a fresh, never-before-used YouTube account via innocuous videos within about five clicks,” Watson explained, becoming visibly distressed as he walks viewers through the process. (The content is alarming, and his commentary contains profanity.)
Watson shows how pedophiles are sharing contacts and providing links for child porn in the comments of innocent videos of children – often made and posted by children and then reposted by others. Most of the children in the videos are little girls, some as young as five.
Many of the videos contain hundreds of inappropriate comments and time stamps that skip directly to the exact markers where children are innocently positioned in a way that appeals to the warped cravings of pedophiles.
Those with exposure of genitals and other body parts are racking up millions of views and ads from major companies like Fiat, L’Oreal, Maybelline, Fortnite, and SingleMuslim.com. Within four days of Watson’s exposé Nestlé, Epic Games, and other companies have stopped advertisements on YouTube.
In addition, children are presented with challenges that would seem fun and harmless – things like eating popsicles, playing Twister, doing Yoga or gymnastics – all to bring gratification to the repulsive spectators.
YouTube provides a reporting mechanism that works on a case-by-case basis. Inappropriate content must first be viewed (whether by a child or adult) before it can be reported. NCOSE has also reported that YouTube is extremely slow to remove videos even after multiple reports have been filed.
YouTube is making big bucks by promoting pedophilic obsessions. And we know that pornography is the fuel that leads to abuse. This is explained to us in Scripture.
“[E]ach person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death” (James 1:14-15).
YouTube is providing the fuel for pedophiles to commit horrendous acts against children.
YouTube is owned by Google, a platform with highly developed algorithms. Is this activity intentional or irresponsible oversight? You decide.
[Editor’s note: The combination of news reports, articles, and canceled advertising has caused YouTube to kill 400 channels for promoting pedophilic comments. There is more work to be done which is why this article has been published. The issue has been known, but not widely shared, for nearly two years according to Watson.]