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The Ghoulish Piranhas of the GOP Swamp Swarm Roy Moore

Friday, November 10, 2017 @ 11:04 AM The Ghoulish Piranhas of the GOP Swamp Swarm Roy Moore Bryan Fischer Former Staff MORE

I wouldn’t want these guys in a foxhole with me, and I certainly do not want them in Congress. 

Roy Moore discovered that the Swamp Creatures who make up the GOP establishment will toss you to the sharks the first chance they get and do it so fast it’ll give you a nosebleed. 

The senators who have dogpiled Moore - Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jon Cornyn, Lisa Murkowski, and a host of other establishment types - are lawmakers, and certainly know that the first principle of American jurisprudence is “innocent until proven guilty.” And yet on the basis of a single unsubstantiated witness dredging up something she claimed happened 39 years ago, Moore’s would-be colleagues have indicted him, prosecuted him, and condemned him to the Ninth Circle of Dante’s Inferno. All in the space of 15 minutes! 

If Judge Moore is elected, he will not only be dining alone in the Senate dining room, they’ll move his table to the coat closet and make him eat in the dark. 

Despicably, Sen. McCain has taken the lead in passing final judgment on Moore before the ink was dry on the front page of the Washington Post. McCain even admits he is not doing it on the basis of any concrete evidence but merely on the basis of wholly uncorroborated accusations, which even the Washington Post calls nothing more than “allegations.” Well, anybody can allege anything against anybody, which is why we are all taught to hold our fire until more evidence can be accumulated and informed judgment can be made. 

But none of that for Mr. McCain. "The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of." 

Now according to, an “allegation” is “a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) 

In other words, says he, I am condemning Justice Moore on the basis of accusations, not on the basis of evidence. He has drawn and quartered Moore with a rush to judgment that would make even a leftwing activist judge blush in shame. 

It’s particularly irritating to hear John McCain preening like some sort of moral avatar, given his own history. At the very same time Judge Moore was supposedly cavorting with a woman 18 years his junior, McCain was divorcing his first wife for being frumpy and overweight and pursuing an affair with a woman who was - you guessed it - 18 years younger than he was at the time. 

"If these allegations are true, he must step aside," McConnell said. Well, Mitch spent $33 million fighting Moore in the primary only to lose by nine points, and yet his efforts apparently were so inept he never stumbled across this explosive information. This would be an indication of utter ineptitude on his part if there were any truth at all to these outrageous accusations. 

And McConnell and all the other swarming killer bees must be asked this question: what if these allegations turn out not to be true? Where does Roy Moore go to get his reputation back? What will you pledge to do to make restitution for your egregious assault on his reputation and character? What will you do to make your reprehensible actions right? 

This sad story is yet another example of opponents of conservatives saying investigations must be pursued and verdicts must be rendered based on “the seriousness of the charge,” not based on the credibility of witnesses or actual evidence. 

Moore’s accuser openly admits that she has credibility problems as a witness. She’s gone bankrupt three times, has tangled with the IRS, and has been through three divorces. “There is no one here that doesn’t know that I’m no angel.” 

According to this report, Ms. Corfman has made a cottage industry out of making false and slanderous accusations of sexual impropriety against Christian leaders. According to a neighbor, “she...went to various churches within our denomination and accused at least three other pastors besides an uncle of ours [of] making sexual advances at her. Each time that she brought it to a District board for Alabama they found her to be uncredible [sic] and she changed her story many times.” 

In addition, Leigh Corfman may not have been 14 at the time, as the Washington Post claimed, but several years older. Marion Talley, who lives in Etowah County and believes her brother actually dated Leigh Corfman in 1976, says this would have made Ms. Corfman at least 17 years old in 1979. We can be quite certain the age question will be resolved in short order, an item that is only relevant, of course, if anything actually happened. 

She even tried to file legal charges in one instance in 2007 or so but got laughed out of court. “Additionally, she tried to sue a pastor in one of the sections within our denomination and the Circuit Judge would not hear the case.” 

Judge Moore remains defiant, adamantly declaring “I refuse to stand down.” Good for him. He added, “These allegations are completely false and are a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party and The Washington Post on this campaign.” 

So why have the Poobahs of the Black Lagoon like McConnell, McCain, Cornyn, Murkowski and the rest been so quick to land on Judge Moore like a falling safe? For one simple reason: they despise genuine conservatives. They despise ordinary Americans like us who believe in the Ten Commandments, natural marriage, normative sexuality, right and wrong, the Constitution as written by the Founders, the rule of law, and the Judeo-Christian tradition of truth claims and moral values. 

The sad but transparent truth is that they hate us. They don’t want to be bothered by conservatives, they don’t want to hear from conservatives, they don’t want to see conservatives, they don’t want to talk to conservatives, they don’t want to work with conservatives. They want us out of sight and out of mind. 

But we’re not going anywhere. And neither is Judge Moore.

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