Another Muslim, this time in New York, shouts “Allahu Akbar” and uses a truck to run down as many infidels as possible.
How many more times does this have to happen? How many more times do we have to play “Whack A Mole” with the people who want to kill us, before we wake up and smell the jihad? How long until we expand President Trump’s travel ban to every Muslim country in the world?
The latest “Religion of Peace” mass murderer immigrated from Uzbekistan in 2010, which means quite simply that if a ban on Muslim immigration had been in place at the time, eight Americans would be alive today. Instead, each of their bodies is lying on a slab in a morgue.
Even worse, the perp entered on a “Diversity Visa,” if you can believe it, which the GAO told us a decade ago was a sieve through which jihadists could easily insert themselves into the U.S.
Our immigration policy with regard to followers of Muhammad is foolish, naive, and exceedingly dangerous. This is not multiculturalism, this is insanity. It is cultural suicide, not cultural diversity. European countries like Poland and Hungary have smartened up, banned Islamic immigration, and built fences to protect their borders. This is why you never hear about murderous Muslim attacks in those countries. You don’t hear about jihadist attacks in the Czech Republic or in Japan, for the same reason: their immigration policies are such that very few Muslims live there.
In the wake of this latest terror slaughter, the president has vowed to step up “extreme vetting” to prevent future attacks. Well, the basic questions we must ask of any would-be immigrants are these: “Are you a follower of Muhammad and do you believe in Sharia law?” If we’re not asking the questions and denying entry to anyone who says “Yes,” then our vetting isn’t nearly as stringent or extreme as it needs to be.
Of course, it’s true that the majority of Muslims do not intend to blow us up, run us over, or shoot us. But no one has developed a jihadi Geiger counter to tell us which Muslims we have to worry about and which ones we don’t. Until we figure that out, this means we must be careful with them all.
The media and New York officials like Mayor DiBlasio and Governor Cuomo can’t get enough of calling this another “lone wolf” attack. But who cares about that? What difference does any of that make to the families of the eight victims? The victims are just as dead, and their families just as bereaved, as if a terrorist cell had done it.
And how can we call him a “lone wolf” if he’s connected, even loosely, to ISIS in one way or another? He apparently left a note at the scene pledging his allegiance to ISIS.
Reports are that he was known to U.S. authorities and that the mosque he attended had been under surveillance since 2005. What good is any of that if authorities did nothing to stop him?
But the culprit here is not even ISIS - it is Islam itself. Islam is, as I have said before, the Ebola virus of culture. Just as African countries, at the height of the Ebola outbreak, refused entry to anyone coming from a country where the virus had erupted, so we can and should block entry into America to anyone who is a carrier of this ideological virus.
Some will say this is mean. Well, it most definitely is not mean to Americans who won’t have to experience the trauma of pulling the body of a loved one out from under a rental truck. Government’s first responsibility is to protect the safety and security of the American people. It’s time for the government to do its job.
There are no constitutional barriers to a total suspension of Islamic immigration. There is no religious or constitutional right to immigrate to the United States. We have banned communists from immigration since 1952 because they adhere to a “totalitarian ideology.” Well, so do Muslims. If our leaders are not talking about a total suspension of Islamic immigration, they’re not serious about solving this problem.
I, for one, am sick to death of all the hand-wringing, the “lone wolf” excuse-making, and all the bilge about Islam as a religion of peace. It most decidedly is not, and the sooner we wake up and actually start doing something about it the better.