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Did You Hear the Good News?

Wednesday, January 04, 2017 @ 10:14 AM Did You Hear the Good News? Buddy Smith Vice President Emeritus/Board Member MORE

This past Sunday, a federal judge ordered an immediate halt to President Obama's directive that would have forced doctors and health care facilities to perform sex-change operations and other gender transition services, even if it violated their religious beliefs or medical judgment.

The rules were set to take effect Sunday.

U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor wrote in his judgment, "Plaintiffs will be forced to either violate their religious beliefs or maintain their current policies, which seem to be in direct conflict with the rule and risk the severe consequences of enforcement."

Back in August, Judge O'Connor blocked another Obama edict that directed schools to allow boys to use girls' restrooms. Texas and 12 other states challenged Obama, saying his executive mandate was unconstitutional.

This is good news. It is good news for liberty and it is good news for America.

It may take a while to reverse all the damage that the Obama administration has done to our country. With sound decisions like those of Judge O'Connor, America is headed in the right direction.

I urge you to continue to pray for our country and incoming leadership. Specifically, pray that president-elect Trump will place godly men and women into positions that will make America great again.

In your prayers, thank God for judges like Judge O'Connor, who rightly rule that religious beliefs and conscience deserve government's protection.

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