The Boy Scouts have made a fateful and fatal decision to allow homosexuals to serve as mentors to young boys. This will be and should be the end of this once noble organization.
Why? Because of the well-established link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
As Peter Sprigg writes for the Family Research Council, “The percentage of child sexual abuse cases in which men molest boys is many times higher than the percentage of adult males who are homosexual, and most men who molest boys self-identify as homosexual or bisexual.”
Research published in the Journal of Sex Research indicates that homosexuals are responsible for a staggering “one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.” This is despite the fact that, according to the CDC, male homosexuals comprise only about one percent of the population.
Ponder that: one percent of the population is responsible for 33% of all sex crimes against children. This is just another clear indication that there are unmistakable pathologies associated with the homosexual lifestyle. This is not a lifestyle any rational society should celebrate, endorse or promote, let alone sanction with the term “marriage.”
According to the Archives of Sexual Behavior, most pedophiles consider themselves homosexual. According to this peer-reviewed journal, “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”
Much of the problem with child sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church is linked, in my view, with the growing numbers of homosexual priests who filtered into the priesthood in the 1960s as the Church scrambled to fill its ranks as increasing numbers of heterosexual males chose marriage and family over the priestly vocation.
Now we may freely stipulate that heterosexuals offend against children as well. But when we see such an alarming imbalance in the ratio at which homosexuals offend against children, it is the height of irresponsibility to deliberately place homosexuals in positions where they have frequent access to young boys. It is inexcusable and virtually criminal.
Terry Bean, the co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign, the leading pro-homosexual organization in the country, is currently in legal trouble for having sex with more than one teenage boy.
The LDS church, which sponsors more Boy Scout troops than any other organization in the country, has over the years found itself in court repeatedly fending off charges that scout leaders took sexual advantage of the vulnerable young males in their care. I predict the LDS church will bolt the Boy Scouts out of a desire to protect the young boys in Mormon families and to keep themselves from being bankrupted. If the LDS church allows homosexual scoutmasters, they will be in court until the end of time.
No father who is thinking clearly would put his young son in proximity to an adult homosexual. Is this to say that all adult homosexuals offend against children? Of course not. But a father and his vulnerable son may not find which homosexuals they should have been concerned about until it’s too late.
Fortunately, there is a solid, biblically based alternative to the BSA, Trail Life USA. Every dad who is aware and informed will flee the Boy Scouts and head for the refuge Trail Life USA affords. And they will do it today. Dads, you don’t have a moment to lose. Protecting the sexual integrity of your young sons is just too important.