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Radical trans ideology wounds more than individual, says AFA executive vice president

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 @ 08:27 AM

TUPELO, Miss. — After 14 years of marriage and counseling, Christian mom Tracy Shannon was told she was to blame for her husband’s transitioning and that she must be a lesbian because she picked a partner with a “feminine side.” After enduring years of her husband’s crossdressing, a marriage counselor had the temerity to secretly help the husband obtain estrogen, which changed the marriage relationship and helped the husband begin to develop breasts. Gender ideology “is a lie,” says Shannon, whose children suffered greatly as well. Shannon credits God for protecting them during this horrible time when she was forced to deal with the loss of her spouse and become a single parent. 

American Family Association (AFA, Executive Vice President Ed Vitagliano said that even though Shannon was able to remarry and have another baby, the destruction of families through gender ideology, and the devastation to children and spouses, requires that Christians remain anchored to the Word of God more strongly than ever.

“Sometimes we forget that there are many different types of victims when it comes to this transgender madness. It’s not just the people suffering from gender dysphoria or those who have been deceived into so-called ‘transitioning’ away from their biological sex. As in this tragic case, spouses and children are victimized too. For the sake of those enslaved to this radical ideology, the church needs to remain unswerving in its commitment to the biblical reality that humanity is male and female,” said Vitagliano.

For over 40 years, AFA has operated within the mission to inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission.  Founded in 1977, AFA has long been on the front lines of America’s culture war. Today, AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country, with nearly a million online supporters and approximately 110,000 subscribers to The Stand (formerly known as the AFA Journal), the ministry’s monthly magazine.  Find AFA Action Alerts here.  In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 180 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio banner. 

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To interview an AFA spokesperson, contact, Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.  



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