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87,000 Sign American Family Association’s Petition to Chick-fil-A in Wake of Donation Controversy

Thursday, November 21, 2019 @ 10:46 AM

TUPELO, Miss.—Twenty years ago, American Family Association (AFA, President Tim Wildmon heard Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy talk at a prayer breakfast in Tupelo, Mississippi, about how his company was founded on Christian principles.

 “I was so impressed with Mr. Cathy’s public expression of faith and his devotion to God,” Wildmon said. “That’s why it saddens me greatly to find out that Chick-fil-A seems to be wavering on those Christian principles.”

 In a new Action Alert this week to its 1 million friends and supporters, AFA is calling on Chick-fil-A to return to its Christian roots.

 “Chick-fil-A has been hounded by LGBTQ activists since 2012, when then CEO Dan Cathy, son of Truett Cathy, made a public statement in support of the biblical definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman,” Wildmon said. “Since that time, these LGBTQ stormtroopers and their cohorts in the media have been after Chick-fil-A. For the past couple of years, they have been pounding Chick-fil-A over the company’s donations to several Christian ministries. Because of their beliefs about what the Bible teaches about human sexuality and marriage, these ministries have been labeled ‘hate’ groups. Therefore, according to LGBTQ groups, Chick-fil-A donates to hate groups.

 “Now,” Wildmon continued, “Chick-fil-A has announced it will no longer make donations to these groups. The company says its contracts with the ministries have simply expired, and they’re moving on. For all practical purposes, it looks like they have caved to the LGBTQ activists and their illegitimate complaints. I hope I’m wrong.”

 AFA has started a petition calling on Christians to add their name to a growing list—nearly 87,000—to urge Chick-fil-A to return to its founding principles of standing beside and supporting those ministries that hold firm to God’s view of marriage as between one man and one woman.

 The petition, in part, states:

 I am extremely disappointed to know that Chick-fil-A has chosen to abandon great ministries. … By doing so, it looks like you are abandoning Christian values and agreeing with homosexual activists who say believing the Bible makes you a hater. Please clarify that you still hold to biblical teachings regarding human sexuality, marriage, and family, and reinstate these Christian ministries.

 View the media page for AFA here. For more information on American Family Association, visit or follow AFA on Facebook or on Twitter @AmericanFamAssc.


 To interview a representative from the American Family Association, contact [email protected], Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or ext. 102.



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