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Indecent and Dangerous Events Happening at Public Libraries Nationwide

Monday, March 11, 2019 @ 08:37 AM

TUPELO, Miss.—“Drag Queen Story Hours” are happening at more and more local public and school libraries nationwide. And the American Family Association (AFA, is warning families that these agenda-driven events could land right in their backyard library.


“These disturbing events, as you might guess, involve men dressed up as garishly adorned women who read LGBTQ-themed books to young children under the guise of performing a public service,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “In just the past few months, such activities have occurred in places like Evansville, Indiana; Astoria, Oregon; Houston, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; Reading, Pennsylvania; and many more. Sadly, even the American Library Association heartily endorses the events and has a webpage dedicated to their promotion.”


In an Action Alert to AFA’s nearly 1 million friends and supporters, Wildmon reported that the obvious goal is to convince an entire generation of children that cross-dressing and a transgender lifestyle are perfectly normal.


“It’s an attempt to promote deviancy before most of the children in the library even know what deviancy is,” he added. “Some drag queens have admitted that their goal is to ‘groom’ the next generation.”


According to LifeSiteNews, drag queen Dylan Pontiff told the Lafayette City-Parish Council in Louisiana: “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation.” Pontiff helped organize a story hour event at the Lafayette Public Library for children as young as 3 years old. He made the shocking admission during a Sept. 17 meeting.


AFA is urging families to take action regarding “Drag Queen Story Hours” in several ways:

  1. Ensure that family and friends are aware of the danger of this indoctrination and “grooming” of children. Check regularly with local public and school librarians to learn if drag queens are scheduled to hold “Drag Queen Story Hours.”
  2. Become informed through the AFA Cultural Institute DVD, “Preparing Your Children for the Transgender Revolution.” For the resource, Christian author and apologist Tom Gilson explains what parents need to know and what children need to hear about the transgender revolution. The one-hour presentation equips parents with the knowledge they need to confidently address the issue with grace and truth.
  3. Read additional articles from AFA’s blog The Stand, such as “The Multiple Dilemmas of a Boy Dancing in Drag in a Gay Bar” and “How About Transgender Story Time from a Victim?

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To interview a representative from the American Family Association, contact [email protected], Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or ext. 100.


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