Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he grows older he will not abandon it (Proverbs 22:6).
As an elementary student, I remember having to memorize this verse in our church’s Awana program. Back then, I couldn’t imagine applying the instruction of “train up a child” in my own life. After all, I was just a child myself.
But in the last three months, I have learned why that faithful Proverb was so important to memorize.
In early November, my husband and I welcomed our first baby into the world. On the day of his birth, it seemed as though we experienced a thousand emotions. We were happy, scared, and nervous. But as I sat and looked back into my own childhood while also sitting and looking at my new baby, this Scripture from my youth kept replaying in my mind - reminding me how powerful it is to hide God’s Word in our hearts.
During our hospital stay, I knew that I wasn’t prepared only to bring a baby home to raise but a warrior to train for Christ.
No sooner than we got home, without the ever-present help of our fantastic nurses, I learned of a new phrase called the “motherhood trenches.” This term often refers to the stress, exhaustion, and struggles that new moms experience.
These trenches can include but are not limited to a mother’s recovery from the birth itself, feeding schedules, endless laundry, doctor’s appointments, trying to maintain a home, navigating new family dynamics, struggling through emotions, and, of course, sleepless nights.
It suffices to say that it’s a lot to take in, and it happens in a very short amount of time.
But one night, as I sat awake rocking my little one, I was reminded that wars are won in the trenches. While it may be there where the biggest battles take place, it is also where sweet victories are celebrated.
Today, our families are in the middle of a culture war. Without moms and dads willing to stand on the frontlines or in the trenches to protect today’s children, it may seem like all hope is lost. In fact, the enemy would love to have us believe nothing less.
Yet, for faithful, God-fearing parents, we have the ability to rise from these pits and point our babies to the One who makes all things new and holy.
How can we accomplish this? The answer is simple: follow Him.
With every hummed hymn and sung verse of ‘Jesus Loves Me,’ Satan shutters.
When you pick up that colorful Children’s Bible or storybook that displays God’s promises and read your little one the wonders of our Savior, Hell starts spiraling.
And while you sit in the closet earnestly praying for His direction, you protect your family from fiery darts.
So, if your little family is experiencing the trenches of this earthly culture war, don’t forget that you also serve the conquering King. Trust Him today!