“Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him” (Matthew 2:2).
[F]or today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11).
During the Christmas season or Advent, there are certain discipleship activities that families are very wise to do. These activities can help us as families grow in our understanding of the blessed messages of the Christmas narratives.
Families should make it a high priority to read through all the nativity stories a number of times during the Christmas season. Those narratives are Matthew chapters one and two and Luke chapters one and two.
Why is this so important?
In order for anyone to really understand the message and the meaning of Christmas, Christ needs to be at the center of our understanding.
The word Christmas means Christian mass or Christ’s mass. The term Christmas derives from the Roman Catholic church’s term for the mass of Christ.
Christmas is the celebration of God’s greatest gift, Christ the Lord, as He came into the world as a baby long ago.
Matthew and Luke tell us of the many glorious events that happened when Christ first came into the world as a little baby boy.
We live in a world where people get excited and passionate about many things. People get very excited about entertainment, sports, etc. And sometimes, so many of the things people get so passionate about – really are not that important.
The Word of God helps us to see things in life that are genuinely worth getting excited about.
The wise men in Matthew chapter two were full of joy and excitement over having the opportunity to come and find Christ and worship Him. And they were excited about giving the prophetic gifts that they gave to Him.
Gabriel was excited to bring the good news that he brought to Zechariah and Mary.
He appeared to be very excited to let Zechariah know that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a baby who would be the forerunner for the Messiah.
He also seemed very excited to bring the news to Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah.
The messenger angels of Luke chapter two who let shepherds know that Christ had been born were very excited about the coming of Christ into the world. They worshipped and praised God over the news.
Simeon and Anna, also in Luke chapter two, were excited, joyful, and worshipful over seeing and learning of the Messiah’s coming into the world.
Parents, having your children read about the people, places, and events of Christmas as well as the excitement and passion that they reveal is edifying and fruitful.
Reading the Christmas narratives is much more fruitful and impacting and encouraging than probably any of us realize.
May all followers of Christ become more and more passionate about Christ and His Kingdom. May we strive daily to become much more committed to His will and His priorities in all of our lives.
Christmas is not about shopping, getting and giving presents, going to parties, Santa Claus, and reindeer.
For every family, for every person, for all people this is true.
Christmas is Jesus.