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Awakening at the Ark

Thursday, October 12, 2023 @ 09:06 AM Awakening at the Ark Hannah Meador Associate Digital Media Editor MORE

The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation” (Genesis 7:1).

Starting in Pre-K, the lesson of Noah’s Ark is taught to even the littlest listeners. But what would those preschoolers do if they could see a life-sized ark mentioned like the one in the Bible? In Williamstown, Kentucky, that can become a reality! Dr. Ken Ham, founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, and his team constructed the 300-cubic-foot-long Ark Encounter (AE) there.

At the AE, guests will experience a petting zoo, three decks full of exhibits, and loads of family fun. While anytime is a great time to visit AE, they also offer different events and presentations year-round. Last month, the ministry hosted its annual 40 Days & 40 Nights of Christian Music at the Ark. Known as the “world’s largest Christian music festival,” the event brought Christian artists and presenters across the nation together for amazing nights filled with praise and worship.

As individuals around the U.S. gathered at the AE, the Lord began to move in powerful ways. Each year, the event has resulted in lost souls coming to know Christ. This year was no different! Thousands came to know Him. Recently, Ham spoke to The Stand about this fantastic event and how the Lord used the Kentucky Ark to bring individuals to Himself.

TS: How many individuals came to know Christ through? 

KH: [This year,] 2047 responded to the gospel challenge during the 40 days of the Christian Music Festival at the Ark and Creation Museum. This was twice as many as the number from last year’s event. We are noticing a real hunger for God’s Word like we haven’t seen before.  

People of all ages responded. We know of at least two instances where whole families committed their lives to the Lord. Those who responded were of all ages from the elderly down to teens and younger. On the final evening that featured Cain, a large number of the younger generations packed the auditorium, and 120 that night responded to the gospel message and challenge. 

TS: How did this answer the prayers of the Ark Encounter staff?

Although 40/40 is primarily a music event, [its] purpose is evangelistic. Each evening, the concerts are divided into two sections with a time of Bible teaching and gospel presentation and [the gospel] challenge between them. Before each event, staff from Answers in Genesis and Abraham Productions (the group that [presents] the 40/40 event) get together for prayer and ask the Lord to use the event to save those who have never received the gift of salvation. 

It was so thrilling to see people worshipping God through music!

TS: In a few words, how would you describe how the Lord used this event to bring people back to Him?

 KH: From testimonies we’ve heard, many tell us that spending time at the Creation Museum and Ark answered so many of their questions about the Bible [and] Christian faith, so when they came to the concerts and heard the preaching of the Word their hearts were prepared to respond to the gospel.

TS: Do you have a favorite memory from attending/working on this event?

KH: One of my favorite memories is to see those who responded to the gospel go to receive their complimentary Bible so they can read, study, and know God’s Word. It was also exciting to hear testimony from a church that a young man had told the pastor he was saved at 40/40 and wanted to be baptized.

This magnificent event happens yearly. The 2024 dates have yet to be released. However, for current AE events, click here.

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