As a grandparent, I’m deeply concerned about the negative impact that social media is having on children. It seems every day I hear about teenagers and even pre-teens whose young minds have become “re-wired” by watching and engaging in online activities promoted by some of the apps.
More and more, I’m learning that the social media platform TikTok is one of the most dangerous apps out there. From the huge amounts of personal information gathered by the China-based company to the deceptive influence on the minds of young people, our kids are being targeted by TikTok.
To help you understand this alarming trend, I encourage you to watch the short but informational video below by AFA’s Meeke Addison.
Then, I’m sure you’ll want to know more. I’m also including a link to TikTok Boom, an in-depth podcast look at TikTok by Meeke and Wil Addison, co-hosts of Airing the Addisons on American Family Radio. (You'll want to skip forward to the 7:00 minute mark of the podcast.)
Please, for the sake of your children or grandchildren, take time to learn more about how China’s TikTok is taking control of the minds of America’s youth.