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Hidden in Plain Sight – The Media and America’s Children

Thursday, September 10, 2020 @ 12:09 PM Hidden in Plain Sight – The Media and America’s Children Hannah Meador Associate Digital Media Editor MORE

Children are being victimized, terrorized, and rescued. But what does the media have to say about it?  

In the past few weeks, we’ve been shown hundreds of protest clips, political banter, and other scandals. While we watch these fireworks explode, the mainstream media is choosing what it wants to display regarding America’s children.

Have you heard about the operations the U.S. Marshal Service has conducted? Did you know at-risk kids are being rescued daily from life-altering scenarios? No. of course not. Because it doesn’t fit the spoon-fed narrative the media wants us to see.  

Last week, through a Facebook friend, I became aware of the wonderful job the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) is doing to rescue missing and endangered kids. Since mid-August, the USMS has saved 72 kids, while still making efforts to help more.

Here are some names of the three operations you’ve never heard of:

  • Operation Not Forgotten
  • Operation Safety Net
  • Operation Homecoming Indy

In Operation Not Forgotten, the USMS rescued 39 kids in Georgia. After partnering with other agencies and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the USMS successfully recovered 26 children while safely locating 13 more. Meanwhile, they arrested nine individuals while conducting 19 arrest warrants.

Did I mention that these children were labeled as some of the most at-risk individuals?

“These missing children were considered to be some of the most at-risk and challenging recovery cases in the area, based on indications of high-risk factors such as victimization of child sex trafficking, child exploitation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and medical or mental health conditions,” the USMS press release read.

But wait. There’s more.  

In Ohio, the USMS conducted a 20-day operation entitled Operation Safety Net and recovered 25 missing children. In this operation, one-fourth of the 13 to 18-year-olds rescued were “confirmed to be related to human trafficking or prostitution.”

Then again, on September 8, the USMS reported they had rescued “eight missing and endangered children during a five-day search effort in Indianapolis” in Operation Homecoming Indy. Again, this operation found many children suffering from human trafficking and abuse. The youngest child rescued was six.

All of this has happened since mid-August. In roughly six weeks, this department has helped rescue 72 children from lives of suffering. Even better, the task force is still working and conducting searches to bring more children into safety.

“The message to missing children and their families is that we will never stop looking for you,” said Donald Washington, the Marshals Service director.

Where are the media’s bold headlines for such stories?  


It doesn’t fit into their narrative of inundating our minds with rhetoric. Instead, they’d rather have us look to the BLM protest, how “bad” Trump is, or other nonsense. In reality, they want us distracted from both the good…and the evil they are overtly presenting to society.

Plus, Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom passed a bill that “lowers penalties” for adults who have sex with minors. This bill removes the requirement for individuals to register as sex offenders as long as the alleged offender falls within a 10-year age difference, and the child is between the ages of 14 and 18.

You read that right.

This bill permits 24-year-olds to have oral or anal sex with 14-year-olds and not be put on the sex offender registry. The bill, introduced by Cal. State Senator Scott Wiener (D), a prominent LGBTQ advocate, seems to believe this will level the playing field for both homosexual and heterosexual offenders.

“This irrational discrimination on the sex offender registry was created when California banned LGBT sex,” Wiener said. “Right now, you have situations where you have teenagers and college-aged kids who are having sex; and straight kids do not have to go on the sex offender registry, but gay kids have to go on the sex offender registry,” Weiner claims.

Excuse me…what?

He goes on to say, “This legislation, all it does is say let’s treat the gay young people exactly the same way that we currently treat the straight young people.” 

A state senator is worried about the equality of how and when child rapists are placed on the sex offender list, and the governor approved the bill! California is helping predators legally abuse kids, and doing so for the sake of “equality.” Lawlessness is being prized instead of the importance of children’s lives being recognized.

But yet again, this issue was quietly swept under the rug after being announced. This issue of child’s safety was an easy to miss article, one that indicates where this world is headed.

The media is manipulating us into only seeing what it deems as the “important” issues. You know, the ones that involve President Trump’s latest tweet or the “race” war going on in the streets of America’s well-known cities. They don’t care about our children. They don’t want to see them rescued. Because if they did, this blog wouldn’t have had to have been written.

Wake up, Americans. Children’s lives are at stake.

Come quickly, Lord.

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea, Matthew 18:6.

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