I’ve been in prison for a long time now, and met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me, and without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography (Ted Bundy).
On January 24th, 1998, Ted Bundy was executed for murder. He admitted to 30 murders but investigators suspect the true number to be much higher. In an interview with Dr. James Dobson hours before his death, Bundy recalled how pornography impacted his view and treatment of women. Crying out from prison, he made America aware of how dangerous pornography can be to a man’s psyche.
Most people who view porn aren’t going to become notorious serial killers. But most who view pornography will always crave something deeper and darker than what they see.
Bundy said, “Literature can only take you so far. You always crave something harder which gives you a greater sense of excitement. Then you wonder if doing that will fulfill the desire.” From the lips of a serial killer comes a terrifying truth about pornography – it fuels destruction.
Addiction to porn begins the destruction. Pornography addiction can lead to divorce, mental problems, unachievable expectations, and the lack of respect for those surrounding the addict. Pornography comes with a hidden price that all viewers must pay, and that is, how it affects the mind.
In their book, Hooked: The Brain Science on How Casual Sex Affects Human Development, doctors Joe Mcllhaney and Freda Bush reveal the power porn has on the brain, “Porn is such a powerful initiator of the brain’s dopamine reward system that the desire for porn can override the cognitive ability of the frontal cortex to make wise decisions about behavior."
Watching pornography triggers the brain’s chemicals where reward cannot be reached. It forces the viewer to desire harder porn in order to reach the same stimulation.
They continue by saying, “Viewing Porn regularly carries the risk of causing a person to desire more and more extreme porn because the dopamine reward causes a stronger and stronger interest and overrides the person’s better judgment to not view it. Included in this stunted judgment is, for example, that men learn from porn to treat women aggressively and that they are entitled to sex from all women.”
When men or women thrive on the “pleasures” that pornography brings, they are contributing to the degradation of society and human worth as we know it. Many claim, “It’s no big deal. It’s a victimless crime, I’m not hurting anyone.” The families of Ted Bundy's victims would disagree. Those who are sex trafficked would disagree. It is not a victimless crime. Instead, the viewer becomes the victim.
Viewing pornography skews our sense of self-respect and respect for others in daily life. When we began to view men and women as objects, the focus and desire for sex never leave the forefront of the brain. Porn produces images via films exposing the sexual nature of the actor or actress, but what it doesn’t show is the true nature of their hearts, worth, and soul in Christ.
By filling minds with this garbage, it can take over life as we know it. The lines between reality and pornography become blurred as addicts begin to view the person next to them in line at Starbucks in the same twisted way they view the performers on screen. As pornography takes root, it dictates everything the viewer sees and does.
The Bible teaches that women and men are made in the image of God. They’re fearfully and wonderfully made, His creation. The lie pornography teaches is that sex and looks are everything. But by listening to the truth of God’s Word, we can see how destructive pornography is to God’s people and plan.
God’s plan is one man and one woman – forever. Pornography destroys marriages and creates adulterous hearts. In order to truly value our loved ones (and people in general), pornography must be overcome to reach God’s plan for the family.
The first time Bundy saw pornography, I’m sure he didn’t think he would kill over 30 women. Daddy’s don’t picture destroying their families after the first glance. Young girls don’t imagine being taken and sold into sex trafficking. But it happens.
Humans are devalued, hurt, and left destroyed from the aftereffects of pornography. When respect is lost, so are identities, hope, and the promise of the love found in Christ. We must be willing to help the suffering seek repentance from addiction, as well as value those around them.
Flee from sexual immorality! "Every sin a person can commit is outside the body," but the person who is sexually immoral sins against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6.18)
If you or someone you know is battling this addiction, find help at Covenant eyes, Conquer Series, or Just1clickaway.