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Are You Paying Attention?

Friday, March 22, 2019 @ 08:33 AM Are You Paying Attention? Whitney White Children's Book Author MORE

Last week, I sat with two of my children in a crowded waiting room at the pediatrician’s office.  Surprisingly, it was perfectly quiet other than the sound of a little girl scooting around on the floor. Most of the adults and children were busy on their phones or electronic devices.

A little boy, around the age of seven, was sitting across from us with headphones on while playing a video game. Suddenly, he startled everyone by excitedly shouting, “Look, Grandma! I killed them all! I got a new gun and killed all of them with one shot.”

Without ever looking up from her phone, the grandmother sounded like an automated recording as she replied with no emotion, “That’s wonderful, honey. You’re so amazing.”

Everyone in the room began to snicker. My son had to hide behind the book he had been reading because he couldn’t quit giggling. The little boy had no idea how loud he was since he had headphones on, and clearly, the grandmother wasn’t paying attention to what he said. I’m sure she didn’t even know what kind of game was entertaining him while she sat completely distracted by the god in her hand.

While it may seem to have been a humorous situation, it’s actually becoming a sad representation of what is going on in America. Across this great nation of ours, while parents are distracted by busy schedules, selfish ambition, or social media, their own children are being brainwashed every day; and we call it entertainment, or, God forbid, we call it education.

Recently, in Arlington, Virginia, a kindergarten class was read a pro-transgender story by a transgender man, who refers to himself as Sarah. He not only read them a story, but he also discussed with them the issue of being born in the wrong body. This man in makeup read to the innocent five-year-olds without their parent’s permission. A letter was sent home to the parents informing them of the Read Across America Day, but it did not fully inform them that an LGBT extremist group was a major sponsor of the event or give parents the choice for their child to opt out.

In California, highly inappropriate curriculums, beginning in preschool, are implemented by Planned Parenthood. These small children are taught that their parents “assigned” them a gender at birth, but there’s actually a spectrum of over 70 different genders they can choose from!

Houston, Texas, hosted Drag Queen Story Hour at the local library for children ages 18 months and up, and that’s not even the most appalling point. The reader was a registered sex offender! He had a record of aggravated sexual assault against an eight-year-old boy. Ironically, this is the same library that deliberately excluded Christians from reading a Bible story to children, explaining that “religion was not allowed.”

GLSEN (pronounced “glisten,”) is a gay and lesbian activist group that specifically targets public education. It was formed by a small group of Massachusetts teachers in 1990 to protect LGBTQ students who were being harassed or bullied. However, they have now become the bullies as they push their agenda on unsuspecting students and naïve parents. They have stated that Northern Virginia and California are their laboratories for transgender policies. They are literally using children as their lab rats! GLSEN deliberately manipulates and deceives parents, who they view as the enemy, in order to have direct access to little children.

Friends, we are in a real, active battle over our children’s minds! Our fight is certainly not directly against these drag queens, sex offenders, GLSEN, or shameful school administrations – our war is against Satan, himself. These people living in opposition to the Word of God are not our enemies. We must strategically pray for them and genuinely love each one, but we must not be intimidated by them or stand by passively as they plot to confuse our children. Jesus was loving, but certainly no pushover.

As parents, we must change our thinking and begin implementing our battle plan.  We can no longer be carefree and trusting of our school systems or libraries. Parents have a right to demand to see their child’s curriculum and know what events are on the calendar. Parents should also hold the school accountable and never be ashamed to call school leadership and make their convictions known.

Christian parents should attend school board meetings and even run for a position on the school board. Don’t blindly send your children to school, especially your kindergarteners, thinking they are only learning reading, writing, and arithmetic, and never believe for a second these situations couldn’t take place in your child’s school. Keep your eyes open and your ears listening at all times.

Most importantly, take time to teach your children in the home! Parents are to be the primary educators, not the school! Don’t wait for someone else to teach your children that there are over 70 genders. Make the time to teach your precious children that there are only two genders designed by one God. “He created them male and female and blessed them,” Genesis 5:2.

Make sure your children know from a young age that God created marriage to be between one man and one woman. Marriage is sacred and should be treated that way. Warn them that the family, as well as the Christian faith, is under attack. Teach them to “put on the full armor of God, so they may recognize [emphasis mine] as well as stand against the devil’s evil schemes,” Ephesians 6:11.

Also, celebrate your child’s God-given gender. We do this so well when they are born. We shower them with pink and blue, and we tell them what good boys or girls they are every time they do something grand or hit a milestone. Then, for whatever reason, we stop. In these perplexing times, it is imperative that we continue to build our children’s confidence that they were perfectly and wonderfully made to be the boys or girls that God created them to be!

Instead of pro-trans stories being read to impressionable children, maybe we should go back to the old nursery rhymes like Humpty Dumpty:

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

    All the king's horses and all the king's men

    Couldn't put Humpty together again. 

Maybe Mother Goose would help parents and grandparents realize we must provide our children with a good foundation. If we remain silent and allow them to sit on the wall, they, too, are sure to have a great fall. Once their lives are shattered and broken by the enemy, will those influential activists, powerful politicians, and Planned Parenthood programs be there to put them back together again? 

All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.

Isaiah 54:13

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