"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
It's an old saying, but one that AFA has tried to live by. That's why I'm excited to tell you about an exciting new project from AFA that will punch some holes in the spiritual and moral darkness that shrouds our land.
For more than 40 years AFA has been on the front lines of calling attention to the decline of Christian values in our nation. We have also worked to bring the light of Christ to individuals, families, churches, communities and the nation.
Right now, AFA's media division, American Family Studios, is doing just that through video projects that have great potential for positive impact on our society.
Meet the secret agent your kids (and grandkids) are going to love - Ryan Defrates: Secret Agent.
This project is aimed at Christian families who recognize the powerful, but destructive, influence of mainstream entertainment in shaping the worldview of our children. Ryan Defrates: Secret Agent is a half-hour animated action/adventure series about a young spy with a lot to learn. I'm confident that your kids or grandchildren are going to love it. A 13-part series, each episode features a story illustrating strong moral values and a Christian worldview. Moreover, each story presents parents in their God-given roles as sources of wisdom and love. How's that for a twist?
For your donation today, I want to send you the first episode so you can put it in the hands of a family whose children or grandchildren will enjoy the new cartoon and profit from the lessons it teaches.
It might seem strange that AFA is helping to promote a cartoon for kids. But in one of many debates with TV executives back in the early days, my dad and AFA founder Don Wildmon said, "The purpose of television should be to uplift, to inspire, to encourage. To try to build a better society, not to try to tear down the one we have."
Ryan Defrates: Secret Agent does that. I see it as lighting a candle in the darkness.
Whether you have been supporting AFA for a month, a year, or since the beginning some four decades ago, I want you to know two things that I'm convinced of: 1) God is blessing the efforts of your AFA. 2) He is using your faithfulness in contributing to AFA to push back the darkness in our nation and our world.
Thank you for your faithfulness to AFA as we affirm, defend, and restore Christian values in our culture.